3 weeks and 1.5 inches!

Ok so I don't really want to be negative but I seriously need a rant... At myself!! For 3 weeks I have worked my *kitten* off following the turbo fire programme (and loving it) I have established a fantastic work out habit BUT silly me didn't make enough of an effort to eat healthily so as I result I have only lost 1.5 inches off my waist. So annoying!! I could go on and on being miserable about this result but Im going to try and be positive today. I will see today as being day 1 of my healthy eating habit :-)


  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    1.5in in 3 weeks is AMAZING! Keep going, and don't beat yourself up for your perceived "failure", you recognise you haven't been doing as well as you can on eating, so make it your aim to improve!
  • Thanks! :-)