My massive muscles are getting me in trouble.

Okay, I'm 5 pounds from my goal weight. And I'm actually only that because I'm retaining water for the next week (it's my time of the month). So for all intensive purposes, I'm at my goal weight. Now I've spent the last 6 months strength training twice a week so I'm fairly well built now. Not massive but I have a lot of muscle now. I've reached the point where it no longer matters what I eat.

So here's my problem. I eat. A LOT. I don't gain weight no matter what I eat so I'm learning some bad habits. For the most part I do really well. I eat low fat, high protein, and I keep my carbs in check. But for the last week or two, at night, I've been eating whatever I crave. It doesn't matter what it is I want, I go for it. My calories are way out of check and I keep thinking that I'll get up, look at the scale, gain a few pounds and be brought down to reality and will start paying attention to my diet a little more. But it doesn't happen. I get up, get on the scale and I'm the same weight so it's like my golden ticket now.

My question is -- how do I get back on track? Am I doing this just because my period is going to start soon and I'm craving all this crap?



  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I found that at some times in my life, I would crave all sorts of stuff for one week a month. It hasn't been happening lately though and I'm not sure what the difference is. If you find you go crazy one week a month with no ill effects, then don't sweat it.

    OTOH, I have found that I can push my limits, eat more than I know I should and eat crap and it never shows up on the scale right away but it does always show up eventually. Maybe that will motivate you to keep things somewhat in check during your "eating week" each month. :smile:
  • Biojay
    Biojay Posts: 1
    You need to be careful with these pre-menstral eating habits. In the lead up to your period women burn an extra 250-500 calories per day. This is due to an increase in your metabolic rate (I guess there is one advantage to being hormonal).

    If you continue these habits or over indulge at this time it will catch up to you and your golden ticket will disappear.

    Good luck kiddo!