Yum, fast, easy, healthy: portable omelette

Discovered this and wanted to share!

8 eggs makes 12 mini omelettes *can use just egg whites or mix of whole eggs and whites

Mix eggs in bowl with splash low fat milk and seasoning (pepper, chilli, smoked paprika, thyme...whatever you like!)
Can add chopped onion, wilted spinach or other greens - quick heating of veg in pan, no oil required, or throw in raw!
If you need more cals, toss in cheese
Pour mix into muffin paper cups in tin
Bake at 350 F (160 C fan) for 15 mins

Simply lift out mini omelettes and take with you for healthy meal or snack. Yum! Can get creative with recipe to keep it exciting. And can use base of wonton wrappers to make a healthy quiche!


  • fionadasein
    fionadasein Posts: 165 Member
    Just created a free Wordpress page to share healthy recipes and pics, and this is our first one: http://wp.me/p35EkN-3

    Send me your healthy recipes and pics and name you want used for credit and I can post them for you so you can easily share with all your friends and fam! :)