Almased Diet

So before I joined this sight I ended up doing the almased diet for a couple days. 4 days of just straight fasting..drinking these shakes. It's actually pretty good for you and the diet stresses that you need to drink water and how to incorperate meals back into your diet once you are done with the fasting phase. Just curious to see if anyone else on here has done this diet and what their results were like. I'm exercising everyday and trying to eat right...but I have a major sugar problem I need to kick to the curb..thinking maybe doing this diet then incorperating good meals back in will help me.


  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    You are at nursing school, you know better than to believe in faddy diets, and should be able to critically appraise their 'research' better than most. The human body cannot tell the difference between a fast, a 'cleanse', a 'detox', a famine or anorexia. They all put the body into a state of stress, and make your organs of excretion function less well. There is no legitimate published body of research (longitudinal population studies and meta analyses) supporting such practices for health of the general population. There is a major difference between fat loss and weight loss, most swift weight loss is simply glycogen depletion and dehydration.

    IMO if you are suffering sugar cravings there is something off with your current diet or you are putting temptation in your path at too early a stage. Not sure if you literally mean you are exercising seven days a week but if so that is not recommended, you should be having rest days or will put the body into a state of stress.