my attitude about weight loss is changing for the worse



  • RobinC37
    RobinC37 Posts: 242 Member
    When your mindset becomes about getting your body and mind in a healthy place - you will never have to seek motivation from outside. It must come from inside or you are destined to fail every time.

    I have to disagree, especially the younger you are. It may not be "healthy" per se, and while I recognize that the only person who truly benefits from all this is me and my future family if I get married and have kids, most of my motivation as a young 20-something comes from the outside. It's a motivation to give a big F-YOU to all the people in high school who teased me. It's a chance to prove people wrong about who I am. And yes, it is a desire to walk into a bar and have every eye in the room give me the "DAMN!" look. I want every man to want me and I want every woman to want to be me. I want to get asked on the street if I'm a model. I want everyone who called me fat, ugly, Shrek, worthless, b****, giant, etc to choke on their words. I want to get a high-paying job in a very public industry where appearance determines who gets the job.

    I haven't failed yet using this to drive me. I've lost over 60lbs since 2010, and am getting closer to my goal every single day now that I've started up again, using MFP this time to get me the rest of the way. Just my .02. If it gets you off your bum and moving, who cares where the motivation came from?
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    I think some help from your forum friends will help. Who says you have to lose consistently? There is nothing wrong with taking a break..where you .maintain..and don't lose. Just think it is really like you're on maintenance. Just don't blow it and gain back what will take you a few months to get off again. Just maintain..until you get the eye of the tiger back.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I am right there with you.....I am trying to wrap my mind around it and change. I have been reading the success stories and motivational quotes and stuff.....still stuck.

    Me too. But I am also very happy about my weight loss (I'm less than 5 pounds from a final goal I thought I'd never hit). I still log every bite and do hit my goals. But I feel like my mind is moving towards maintenance, even if my calories have not yet.

    It's January. And hard to stay enthusiastic about anything :)

    I'm going to judge myself by behavior, not attitude. I think I'll have to do this rest of my life. I don't want it to be an enthusiastic obsession.