i embarrassed to say..

but i think i gained back a couple of pounds..... It even seems I gained an inch. But I don't understand why because I've been exercising more, having added strength training.. and my diet has been awesome.. I don't get it! Please look over my food diary and let me know if I'm doing anything wrong.. btw the days I went over in calories were do to the fact that I chainged my goal from 2 lbs to 1.5 lbs. a week, which I quickly changed it back because of the seposed weight gain... which I'm still not sure I understand fully.... PLEASE HELP!


  • ubermensch13
    ubermensch13 Posts: 824 Member
    Weight fluctuates every day. If you just started strength training, you'll see an initial weight gain because of it. Stick with it, be patient.
  • multidemencia
    multidemencia Posts: 8 Member
    thanks! I will stick to it.. I'm just scared that for whatever reason.. I will not lose the weight this time.. :(
  • ubermensch13
    ubermensch13 Posts: 824 Member
    The first thing you must change is your mindset. Don't look short term, but long term. Look at your progress monthly, not weekly, it is more realistic to see you real progress that way.
  • Are you taking measurements also? Sometimes you will see a decline in inches when the scale stays the same or in some cases even goes up a little. Measure several places and keep track- bust, waist, widest part of stomach, hips, upper arm, upper thigh. you get the idea. As many or as few as you want and watch those areas change as you lose wt also. Another way to see progress. Good luck!
  • Pamko57
    Pamko57 Posts: 182
    Ubermensch is right. Muscle weighs more than fat, but muscle boosts metabolism and helps you burn even more fat. I had a big weight loss this week, due to flu and not working out, so I'm probably looking at a gain this next week. But I try to remind myself this is a marathon, not a sprint. I'm in this for life. I'm going to take this year--2013--to take off weight I've put on over the last 10 years or so. Hang in there!
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Calorie goal looks good. I'm not really qualified to talk about diet specifics (I eat a lot of general "no-no" foods like processed foods and stuff high in sugar), but other members will have good suggestions. Ubermench is right on the ball - weight does go up and down for various and a ridiculous number of reasons. (A high sodium meal, morning or night, exercise which can make muscles retain water, your period, too little water, too much water, constipation, the list goes on). For a lot of people, a 5 pound range is acceptable enough to place into that margin.

    And looking at it long term - especially monthly - is also a good suggestion. It's all about how it averages out. Your body doesn't have a daily or weekly specific clock, it just does what it does over time.
  • My0WNinspiration
    My0WNinspiration Posts: 1,146 Member
    Keep an HONEST diary and the results will follow.
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    Are you taking measurements also? Sometimes you will see a decline in inches when the scale stays the same or in some cases even goes up a little. Measure several places and keep track- bust, waist, widest part of stomach, hips, upper arm, upper thigh. you get the idea. As many or as few as you want and watch those areas change as you lose wt also. Another way to see progress. Good luck!

    she posted that she gained an inch.
  • DeanBurrows
    DeanBurrows Posts: 116 Member
    If you have just started Strength Training then DOMS will be playing it's roll in retaining water and making your muscles swell.

    Don't worry about it and keep at it.

    One thing i did notice is that your Macros are all over the place.
    Fats and Proteins have a minimum you should be hitting whereas Carbs don't but your Protein/Fat/Carb ratios are backwards.

    Protein should be around 1g per lb of lean muscle mass.

    The way to work the whole thing out is to set your protein intake as at least 1 gram per pound of your body weight (more if dieting) and add healthy fats and carbs (like veg and fruit) to the diet until you hit the level of calorie intake that achieves your goal of either gaining, losing or maintaining weight.
  • multidemencia
    multidemencia Posts: 8 Member
    Wow, thanks everyone for taking an intrest! I will keep in mind the monthy "Check-ins" and try to lower my carbs and raise my protien intake! thanks again!
  • 1JenMilam
    1JenMilam Posts: 108 Member
    Weight fluctuates every day. If you just started strength training, you'll see an initial weight gain because of it. Stick with it, be patient.

    When I started strength training I gained. For me it leveled out and I had a great loss and then losing ever since. The one thing I know I have to be careful with is portions. Make sure you are weighing and measuring. When I have a gain it's usually because I go lazy with my portions. Just a thought!
  • kelcro40
    kelcro40 Posts: 115 Member
    Also, I have read that it helps to mix up the workouts. Don't keep doing the same thing so you aren't working repeatedly on the same area.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    is it possible the inch you gained is on an area that bulked up due to your workouts? is it also possible water retention may be at play here?
  • multidemencia
    multidemencia Posts: 8 Member
    Who knows what's goin on.. but I will work harder, and report back next week! Thanks again!
  • It sounds like you're doing everything right! There is always little gain here and there due to water weight, bloating, and for whatever other reason. Just because you gained a pound or two recently doesn't mean that you can't achieve your ultimate goal!
  • multidemencia
    multidemencia Posts: 8 Member
    Hi everyone! I feel like I did just right on my diet today! Now, I've been up all night. So I think I might take the day off from exercise. But anyway if you want, could you please look at my food diary for today and see if i'm doing any better?
  • Southernsass6885
    Southernsass6885 Posts: 100 Member
    You CANNOT let something like this derail you. It's a couple pounds. It's not a hundred. Your body is giong to gain some water retention from days to even weeks after adding resistance/weight training. You are breaking down your muscles, and in an effort for them to repair themselves, they'll add on water to aid in the process. Weight training will burn your fat much quicker than cardio alone. Just remember, this is one little "hiccup." You're going to get discouraged. You're going to want to quit. Don't. This is a process and it'll take time. Besides, think of this moment and imagine thinking about it a year from now and how much progress you made because you kept going.
  • multidemencia
    multidemencia Posts: 8 Member
    don't worry.. I'm still going strong, and even improved my diet slightly today! <3
  • Are you taking measurements also? Sometimes you will see a decline in inches when the scale stays the same or in some cases even goes up a little. Measure several places and keep track- bust, waist, widest part of stomach, hips, upper arm, upper thigh. you get the idea. As many or as few as you want and watch those areas change as you lose wt also. Another way to see progress. Good luck!

    she posted that she gained an inch.

    My bad! And thank you for kindly pointing that out. :embarassed: