Smokin' Hot Green Pepper's 3/12 wk 11



  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Hello Peppers

    Sorry I have been MIA .... but since i am back to being normal(foot and kidney healed) i have been doing some serious cleaning , spending quality time with my 4 year old since I wasnt really able to do much with the broken foot and kidney infection and she is happy about that since we are able to get out of the house and go to the park ect ect ect ..... I have lost 3 pounds LW 173 CW 170 .. i feel greaaaaaaaat ... hope everyone is doing good
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Good Afternoon Pepper's,
    Good start today I am holding strong with calories and I did a 25 min walk on my lunch. :drinker: Will check in later. :bigsmile:
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Good Morning all,
    Spent all day yesterday at the beach with dd and nephew. Was a good day until I started to eat like a wild woman. Ate so much I was in agony the rest of the night. Dear Neph decided to hang out after we got home at 10 pm and talk till the morning hours. It was a will enlighten talk to. So he has decided he needs to make some changes and was asking me what I though. Deciding weather to go into the milatary was one. the other thing was he really talked alot about his fears with his mom,(sis with pacemaker) dying young. I think he wants to have more of a relationship with me so if that happens I can fill the spot. So he decided to join the Y to help dear Auntie get her act together. So I guess next week we are going to start going together, so I am super happy about that. Like I said it was enlighten. I know at tomorrow weight in I will be up again, and thats ok, because I have a plan and I think I am finally ready to get on with it.
    Hope everyone is having a great day. Kel-hope u got my b-day wishes on FB if Not Happy belated B-DAy, I luv <3 ya!!!
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Good Morning Pepper's,
    Still doing well with calories. Such beautiful day going for a walk on my lunch again. I just needed the good weather to get me started. I am going to do this, I can feel the change setting in.

    Have a great sunny day Pepper's. Will check back later. :bigsmile:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    hi SHGP... we had another fog delay today....just hate when that happens....messes my whole day up! not a good eating day, so trying to get myself motivated again....need to get working out and logging it all. i was so dedicated last year....gosh, what happened...i def am not taking care of ME. i have never gone the route of logging all my food the nite before, so that is one thing I am going to try and do different. something else that I was also doing was eating maybe 3 or 4 times a day...and I wanna experiment with 6 times a day...which will mean every 2-3 hrs, smaller meals. I know with a week in the calorie range, drinking the water and getting in some real activity, I will have a loss. It does work. So, here I go again. I really want to lose wt and get in shape...and it is only ME that can make that happen....thanks for all your DO inspire me!!

    parents did have damage done to the siding on their ( garage ) rental property. I guess 2 neighboring boys were throwing a ball at it. they have witnesses, and my parents have seen the boys around the garage. they will be selling this house soon, so the stress will be less.

    Angie ~ I think that is so great all the nice gifts you are getting! brings back memories of my showers...warm fuzzies:smooched: I still think you have done a great job with your wt. once you have that lil one, it is just gonna melt off you. 32 weeks!!

    Crystal ~ I think the blog will benefit not only you, but others as well. it is always good to see how a plan works and I think when ppl ask questions about certain things, it keeps you focused and on path. Good luck!

    Megan ~ 60's here you come! you have done so well since Sept. 40 to go!

    Cindy ~ way to go getting back on track here. keep at it, you'll get there!

    Jacque ~ how great to have a workout buddy, and I think that is so special that your nephew reached out to you. yup, got your bday wishes! t/y!

    gonna go to the city tomorrow and get my hair cut! I know that will help me feel better! have a good one. I'll post the new thread in a bit. Good luck to you all at the scale tomorrow!