Looking for new Mommies as MFP friends

Good Morning All,

I lost over 50 lbs with the help of MyFitnessPal in 2011 and now I am back to lost weight after having my second child. I am looking for other new mommies that can relate to the challemges of new motherhood, being a wife, a working mom, all while trying to better self. I would like for us to share workout routines, fitness tips, and recipes. I will admit that I am not that great of a cook but I am willing to try. Hope to hear from the new mommies soon!!!


  • Shineonme06
    Shineonme06 Posts: 73 Member
    Hello girlie. I am already ur pal. I am a new mommy again. I just had a baby 4 months ago. Working the rest of this weight off. Lets go girl!!!!!
  • chappyswifey
    chappyswifey Posts: 3 Member
    yay for mommies! already in a healthy weight range and have lost all the "baby weight"...but not happy with my body! on my way to my goal weight of 125! not sure how to add friends...please add me! :)
  • makaiya
    makaiya Posts: 80 Member
    Old "new" Mommy here. Just had my fourth baby in October 2012. The last one. Its time to make my body mine while still breastfeeding. Currently 230, looking to get to 150. Add me!