Smoothie With greens



  • 20kb13
    20kb13 Posts: 161
    I've realized I don't like spinach in smoothies if I'm using fruits like blueberries, strawberries, or bananas because it isn't sweet enough to cover the spinach. Mango and pineapple seem to be the better fruits to mix it with so that you don't taste the spinach.

    My favorite protein smoothie with spinach doesn't have any fruit in it.. I eat the fruit on the side and I use unsweetened almond milk or chocolate soy milk, chocolate pb2, chocolate whey protein powder, and spinach. It taste like a chocolate peanut butter cup can't even tell there is spinach in it, but helps me get that extra serving or 2 of veggies for the day.
  • ejmcam
    ejmcam Posts: 533 Member
    I always add spinach to my smoothies! Mine are usually a banana, spinach, ground flax, some type of berry, plain oats and almond milk. sometimes I will add some type of nut butter or greek yogurt.
  • luvmycandies
    luvmycandies Posts: 489 Member
    I dont notice any difference. 1 c kale, 1 c spinach fresh, 1/2 c cucumber, 1 celery stick, 1 slice lemon, then add fruit and water.
  • NuggetLovesEdie
    NuggetLovesEdie Posts: 477 Member

    My favorite, though not listed on this page, is called the Green Gorilla...

    Oh... nope I was wrong... The Laughing Gorilla:

    The Laughing Gorilla
    Valya Boutenko
    ½ head romaine lettuce
    2 ripe bananas, peeled and frozen
    2 oranges, peeled, seeds removed
    1 mango
    2 cups water
    Yields 2 quarts
    Warning: consumption of smoothie may
    result in spontaneously occurring, extremely
    contagious gorilla laughter
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    I put 2 cups of fresh organic spinach in all my fruit smoothies and the taste is just fine. A great way to get some dark green veggies in for the day! I recently purchased the Magic Bullet little blender for my smoothies. Love that little blender! Perfect for one drink smoothies!

    I or should I say my DH recently got me the Wolfgang Puck Imersion blender/chopper and I have been having the best time creating smoothies. I was buying the Bolthouse pre-made ones before. Homemade are SO much better.
  • SleeplessinBerlin
    SleeplessinBerlin Posts: 513 Member
    Banana, peanut butter, fresh spinach, skim milk or almond milk and some yoghurt. Delicious.
  • jujuky
    jujuky Posts: 26 Member
    Does it change the taste?
  • jujuky
    jujuky Posts: 26 Member
    That sounds good. Will try it
  • titi4j
    titi4j Posts: 97 Member
    I use my smoothie as a way to get in some extra veggies I wouldn't otherwise have. My smoothie is: Almond milk, spinach, frozen blueberries or strawberries (rarely banana cause they're high in calories and sugar and fresh, raw spinach has more potassium), vanilla protein powder and a fiber boost. The color may look horrible but I can't taste the spinach at all whatsoever. I'm addicted to my smoothies. It's what I have about 5-6 mornings a week. I find it very filling too. However, I haven't tried kale yet.
  • jujuky
    jujuky Posts: 26 Member
    Well, My favorite smoothie is cup of pineapple, one small banana, few strawberries, 1/4 cup of low calorie OJ, 1 cup of skim milk and one scoop of kroger vanilla soy and whey protein and ice. I blend it and love adore it! Sometimes I freeze it and enjoy it over the day as a snack. Then sometimes I have it for lunch... I just feel I need to add some green to it but dont want to ruin it... LOL..... Let me know what you find. I guess it is time to experiment...
  • jujuky
    jujuky Posts: 26 Member
    Sounds great Thanks
  • 20kb13
    20kb13 Posts: 161
    Well, My favorite smoothie is cup of pineapple, one small banana, few strawberries, 1/4 cup of low calorie OJ, 1 cup of skim milk and one scoop of kroger vanilla soy and whey protein and ice. I blend it and love adore it! Sometimes I freeze it and enjoy it over the day as a snack. Then sometimes I have it for lunch... I just feel I need to add some green to it but dont want to ruin it... LOL..... Let me know what you find. I guess it is time to experiment...

    If you are having the OJ and the fruit then I'd say you probably won't taste the spinach at all because it will be sweet enough. When I use almond milk it is unsweetened and I used frozen blueberries and a packet of splenda.... it didn't cover the spinach at all. But the sweeter fruits like mango and pineapple seem to cover it up so you can't taste it at all.

    I've never tried kale in a smoothie but am planning on trying because I've heard good things about kale.
  • 20kb13
    20kb13 Posts: 161
    Banana, peanut butter, fresh spinach, skim milk or almond milk and some yoghurt. Delicious.

    That is one of my favorites except I rarely add the yogurt unless I'm in the mood for a bit of a thicker smoothie. Peanut butter covers up the spinach completely for me, but I cut back to using Bell Plantation PB2 chocolate because it's a lot healthier than peanut butter and tastes the same... best way to cover up the spinach taste! Have you tried it with kale? I'm curious if it works just as well with Kale
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    you can't taste it if you have fruit in it.
  • Princess4Run
    Princess4Run Posts: 135 Member
    I love green smoothies! I drink one every morning for breakfast. I suggest start with "mild" form of greens, baby spinach is the best for beginners. Blending it with fruit masks the taste and it's sweet, fresh, and delicious. Plus, super healthy. You want to have a good blender so everything comes out smooth rather than having chunky pieces of fruit and/or spinach. I use a NutriBullet and I love it. Start with 2 cups of baby spinach, organic preferred. Add fruit- this can be anything you like and have a taste for. My favorite is berries of different sort and pineapple. I add 1/2 frozen banana- this makes the smoothie extra creamy and really masks the taste of greens. Yesterday I made a smoothie with whole pear, kiwi, berries- yum! Later today I'll make it all green- apple, celery, cucumber, kiwi. Add a bit of liquid to help blend everything. I use filtered water, but you can add almond milk, coconut milk, fat free milk. Finally, after your blender is full with greens and fruit add a little something extra. This can vary from some nuts, nut butter, flaxseeds, or chia seeds. For protein you can add protein powder or a couple Tbs of Greek yogurt or none at all. I avoid adding commercial fruit juices rather if I want my smoothie sweeter I add extra fruit or 1-2 dates.

    Now, a smoothie packed with all these goodies will run you around ~ 350 calories plus. I use it as my meal replacement rather than just a "snack". It is packed with nutrients and tons of fiber and fills me up for hours. Later on as you get used to the taste you can alternate your greens and experiment with kale, romaine, arugula, etc. It is advised to alternate your greens once in a while as they contain alkaloids that can potentially be toxic if consumed in large quantities. Also, as you get used to the taste you may require less fruit so the added carbs/sugars will decrease. Have fun blending :)
  • Kymom04
    Kymom04 Posts: 41 Member
    I bought some kale the other day and was going to try this smoothie!
  • AuntieMC
    AuntieMC Posts: 346 Member
    I only make vegetable juices, not fruit smoothies, and I love Kale in a veggie juice with carrot! It adds a dark muddy color, looks yucky, but tastes great! Go ahead and experiment! Just start out with a small amount, at first, to see how well it blends with what you make! Just don't be put off by the color change, lol!
  • MY FAVORITE smoothies are ones with green vegetables!

    I add.

    A TON of spinach, or kale.
    3/4c or 1c of unsweetened almond milk
    strawberries, blueberries, banana, mango (whatever is in the fridge)

    that's it.

    sometimes i'll add 100% whey protein or something like that if it's post strength training workout.