Low Carb and Asthma



  • peachea
    peachea Posts: 92 Member
    I have asthma since childhood. It went away and came back when in my 30's. Been hospitalized twice since age 38 for it. Even quit smoking (i know I know) because it was so bad. Still couldnt breathe. Was put in Advair 500 bid plus rescue inhalers as needed. Had to take a puff every morning up until last week because I wake up and go to bed grasping for air.

    Last week, I cut out grains, flours, table sugars. Lowered my carbs to 50 gms a day for a week.

    Guess what....?

    I havent had a need to puff on an inhaler or take any meds whatsoever this week. I can breathe normally again. Really???

    Inappropriate immune response may well be but it's a leap of faith for people to be amateur diagnosing allergies. You cut out most of the pro inflammatory foods in your diet and asthma is an inflammatory condition so not at all surprising. Try adding in oily fish daily, a pile of non starchy vegetables and low sugar fruits in the full rainbow of colours for a further anti inflammatory/ immune calming effect. You also need some mineral and fibre rich foods - if you choose nuts and seeds rather than starchy carbs limit the omega-6s because most are pro inflammatory. It's disappointing your medical team have not mentioned to you before the links between nutrition and asthma/ eczema/ hayfever.

    I lost my health insurance. I cannot afford to see a doctor. When I do go, they just write me a script for the meds. Best I can do so being able to breathe without them is wonderful. I will have rescue inhaler tomorrow at the gym just in case. I want to see what happens.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    I am severe with asthma and they put me on breathing treatments that really help. I just breath through a machine for about 5 minutes with albuterol and it's better.... U should ask your doc about it.......

    Did you miss the part where diet is resolving the issue?

    I had a very, very long list of health issues that was resolved by diet. Depression, chronic neurological pain, intestinal problems, joint pain, pre diabetes, on and on. Lots of people say that my diet is "restrictive" while they think it is completely normal to take whatever meds necessary to reduce symptoms (meds don't cure disease!) of serious diseases while their health continues to deteriorate. It's not logical to me.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    I have asthma since childhood. It went away and came back when in my 30's. Been hospitalized twice since age 38 for it. Even quit smoking (i know I know) because it was so bad. Still couldnt breathe. Was put in Advair 500 bid plus rescue inhalers as needed. Had to take a puff every morning up until last week because I wake up and go to bed grasping for air.

    Last week, I cut out grains, flours, table sugars. Lowered my carbs to 50 gms a day for a week.

    Guess what....?

    I havent had a need to puff on an inhaler or take any meds whatsoever this week. I can breathe normally again. Really???

    you shouldn't go off the advair just because you feel better! The advair probably just kicked in finally.

    I am pretty bad too--I am on advair 250/50 BID, singulair 10mg QD, then rescue inhaler before exercise ( or when I need it) and I have a nebulizer at home with albuterol to breathe through it if I need it.

    Fall of 2011 was HELL for me. I got bronchitis in September, which caused a flare, which caused ANOTHER case of bronchitis, which caused another flare...so basically I was on antibiotics, prednisone and various inhalers from Mid-september until Christmas. For the last year I have been 95% compliant with my medication...and I have been on prednisone 2x in a YEAR ( vs 4x in 4 months).

    OMG. I think I'm going to have to leave this forum. This stupid faith in drugs and thinking that dietary change cannot resolve illness.

    Check out the side effects of all those meds after prolonged use. I get to witness what they have done to my grandmother; good luck with that.

    FYI: I used to have chronic bronchitis too and I was misdiagnosed with ashma. I'm familiar with the meds. I'm so glad that I know a different way. My grandma is a vegetable due to meds for all the things that diet could have resolved for her. It's not her fault; she was filling up on "healthy" grains every single day and assuming that all the meds were "safe".
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    It's probably the grains! I know someone already said this, but maybe you have a slight wheat allergy. I used to have asthma really badly, and it improved when I stopped eating so much grains. I also started taking allergy meds to help with that.

    I see an asthma specialist twice a year and he recommended some things that have helped me so much! If you have any pets, do not let them sleep in your room/bed, NO carpets in the bedroom (they collect pet hair) and put dust covers on all your pillows and your mattress. If you're allergic to dust, it really irritates your asthma. That may be the reason you're waking up and not being able to breathe! I had that same problem months ago

    Good to point out the contaminants, which go far beyond dust and dander. I used to have serious problems with anything that off-gasses (building materials, carpets, furniture) or anything scented. I still do my best to avoid environmental contaminants, but since changing my diet, my sensitivity has decreased immensely. I think it would make more sense to deal with nutritional issues and minimize the contaminants, instead of running to a med to treat the symptoms. At the very least, read the INSERTS of all medications before choosing to take them. Not a one is perfectly "safe".
  • jsgp614
    jsgp614 Posts: 3
    I just started substituting veggies for bread (just to keep my calories low) and it as really helped my asthma for the past couple of days. I looked up asthma and low carbs and found this on the msg boards. I am amazed that this has been happening. I didn't even do it for my asthma, I am just saving my calories for dinner.
  • kgoodman0108
    kgoodman0108 Posts: 158
    I have mild asthma and sinus problems. I used to constantly get sinus/upper respiratory infections, until I started limiting my carbs. I've been eating low carb 95% of the time since February, and haven't had a single sinus infection or upper respiratory. I truly believe eliminating gluten from my diet has made a huge difference.
  • LauraDotts
    LauraDotts Posts: 732 Member
    I have very mild asthma and very bad allergies. Sad to say I haven't noticed a difference. I'm still sick as a dog when the weather gets warm.

    Happy for all of you that it helps, though!
    Sinus flushing completely eliminated my need for environmental allergy medications.
