Need HELP!

AKosky585 Posts: 607 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I just now made my food diary public due to the fact that I need little help with meeting my calories. The past week hasn't been great...we've been repainting and laying out new flooring/carpeting for the entire house, so I haven't gotten to exercise since everything is EVERYWHERE right now. I've tried to eat healthy, but have at least maintained my weight this week..., I am going back on track and I have entered what I plan on eating today...and I am only at 700 calories! I feel like I put in quite a bit, so when I saw I still have 500 calories left, I have no idea how in the world I am going to get those in. I am trying to stay at or below 130 carbs per day...and am reaching that.

If you could, please take a look at my diary for todays plan and help me out? Any suggestions on what I could add in there that would bring me closer to 1200 calories?

I am afraid if I just do what I have in there already, I will go back to my old ways of eating just 700 calories a day..every day.


  • NicoleAJordan
    NicoleAJordan Posts: 12 Member
    Yikes! All I have to say is..aren't you HUNGRY? Get rid of all that fat free stuff and lower your fruit intake! I am sorry I hope this doesnt come off harsh but I used to eat exactly like you and it would work for a while then I would "cheat" and it would screw me up. Heres some tips:

    1. Any time you eat that fat free/low fat is super high in sugar...think of it like takes your body twice as much work to convert sugar to fat THEN burn it off than to just burn fat off. Do NOT Be afraid of fat. Women need it and it burns better than sugar!
    2. Add some carbs (good carbs) like veggies to your diet...celery, green beans, zucinni, etc.
    3. UP your protien intake. Sub some of those fruit servings for hardboiled eggs, turkey bacon, slices of deli turkey, etc. The protien will sustain you and keep you from loosing muscle mass and looking like a saggy skeleton. :)
    4. Lower your fruit intake. You want those natural sugars but too much is just not needed.
    5. Throw some nuts in there between meals. Almonds are awesome for keeping your metabolism up.
    I am no dietician but I have been working with a trainer for 8 months and have had amazing results so I hope my advice helps!
  • LMac66
    LMac66 Posts: 5
    Some Hormel Oven Roasted Turkey would add some protein, but not carbs. You could eat it on a slice of bread (change lunch a bit) with some mustard, or if you like asparagus, just wrap a few slices of the turkey around a piece of raw asparagus and crunch away. It looks like you could use a bit more protein today. Good luck!
  • suejonestx
    suejonestx Posts: 256 Member
    Hi. It's great that you're making such a strong effort, however, many on this site have posted articles about eating below 1200 cals per day. Your body goes into starvation mode and responds by holding onto weight, having the opposite effect that you want. My recommendation is to shoot for 300-350 calories per meal, with the leftover (subtract from 1200) going towards snacks. One thing I see right away is the teeny bowl of cereal you are having in the morning. I'd guess .08 of a cup of cereal is only a few bites. Go ahead and have a full bowl of cereal (per the serving size, usually 1 cup) and have a full cup of milk with it. Also, I agree with the other responder, that you need to add some vegetables. One way I do that is a hearty sandwich for lunch on a healthy bread. 2 slices of (whole grain) bread, lunchmeat (I like turkey), tomato, spinach, pickles, cucumbers, olives, sprouts (whatever you want) can be added. As long as you don't use mayo (mustard is virtually calorie free), then the sandwich is hearty, fulfilling and around 325 calories. My final word is that your effort is good, but you really need to add more substance to your diet, which will naturally up your calories. Keep up the good work!
  • suejonestx
    suejonestx Posts: 256 Member
    Whoops, I forgot about your "low carb" plan. For the sandwich, you could use red pepper wedges instead of bread. And breakfast could be an egg, ham and veggie scramble (quick and delicious).
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    Ok. First thing I noticed was your raisin bran -- 0.08 cups? Was that just an error?

    Also, your lunch is really really small. Add some more protein. And I agree that nuts are a great way to add some calories and healthy fats.
  • mvl1014
    mvl1014 Posts: 531
    I like that you've got lots of fruits and a lean protein (chicken).

    Is that .08 cup of raisin bran accurate?

    For some more calories that will easily fit into what you've done the best way would be nuts or whole eggs (not just the whites because whites only have 15 cals.). (Bacon too!) A handful of nuts or some peanut butter on that apple would give you a lot more cals without much more food.

    2 eggs, a slice of bacon, and 2 tbs of peanut butter will give you ~500 extra cals.
  • AKosky585
    AKosky585 Posts: 607 Member
    lol..yes, the .08 cup is accurate...however, it is not a bowl of cereal. I crunch up just the bran flakes and put it in my yogurt in the morning.
  • AKosky585
    AKosky585 Posts: 607 Member
    lol..yes, the .08 cup is accurate...however, it is not a bowl of cereal. I crunch up just the bran flakes and put it in my yogurt in the morning.
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