Week 3 of Insanity, and now this!? :)

As I said I'm on week three of Insanity and it's going GREAT!

I can tell my body is getting better and stronger, because all of sudden my workouts are making my muscle sore all over again. I think I've gotten strong enough where my form is better, and I'm able to push myself harder.

Has anyone else experienced this during their Insanity journey?


  • I just started, Im on day 2. I am so proud of you!
  • lundii
    lundii Posts: 151 Member
    I finished Insanity in December and yes, it was great.
    I am stronger and have muscles I never thought I could have.
    I am in the best shape of my life.

    We will do another round of Insanity soon... best workout ever.
  • Today is day 14 for me and I feel exactly how you feel. I'm a US Marine and I'm trying it out to the see how effective it is and I'm impressed. Keep pushing play and the results will come. My mom has done a round and on her second one. Again, keep at it and know the good things will come. Without pain there is no gain.
  • kb_CG_wife
    kb_CG_wife Posts: 181 Member
    Today is day 14 for me and I feel exactly how you feel. I'm a US Marine and I'm trying it out to the see how effective it is and I'm impressed. Keep pushing play and the results will come. My mom has done a round and on her second one. Again, keep at it and know the good things will come. Without pain there is no gain.

    First, and foremost, Thank you for your service to our country. My husband is USCG, and I come from a long line of service members. I sincerely appreciate everything you all do. Second, congratulate your mom for taking on the insanity challenge! That is out of this world amazing! And third, you're at day 14... if you've seen it through that far, you'll get it done too!
  • kb_CG_wife
    kb_CG_wife Posts: 181 Member
    I finished Insanity in December and yes, it was great.
    I am stronger and have muscles I never thought I could have.
    I am in the best shape of my life.

    We will do another round of Insanity soon... best workout ever.

    Way to go! That is awesome and I love you're going for it again :)
  • Starfish1125
    Starfish1125 Posts: 169 Member
    I have insanity - and I'm afraid of it. :blushing:

    Can anyone tell me how hard it really is? I don't want to die. :laugh:
  • kldaley72
    kldaley72 Posts: 2 Member
    How do you fill in the exercise portion of MFP when you do insanity? I can't figure out how many calories it burns.
  • lundii
    lundii Posts: 151 Member
    I used a HRM from Polar. It told me exactly the amount of cals I burned.
  • kb_CG_wife
    kb_CG_wife Posts: 181 Member
    I have insanity - and I'm afraid of it. :blushing:

    Can anyone tell me how hard it really is? I don't want to die. :laugh:

    It's only as hard as you make it.

    Throughout the videos, it says go at your own pace. Today I took it really easy because I was sore fromm yesterday. :) Don't be afraid of it, no one vomits in the video ;)
  • kb_CG_wife
    kb_CG_wife Posts: 181 Member
    How do you fill in the exercise portion of MFP when you do insanity? I can't figure out how many calories it burns.

    I have a HRM. Before that, I would just pause the video and count my beats per minute for 10 seconds, then multiply by 6.
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    I felt that way, and then I started month 2. You ain't seen nothing yet!

    Keep it up, I'm 2 weeks away from finishing and earning my Insanity shirt!
  • ja9smakinachange
    ja9smakinachange Posts: 144 Member
    I'm on day 14 too, I rested yesterday and did pure cardio cardio abs today. I felt so strong during cardio, I barely took any rests (miles from my first attempt at this routine)

    I feel awesome! I did however get some lingering lower back pain from the c sits in cardio abs. I hope I don't have bad form that's causing it.
  • Cory350
    Cory350 Posts: 10
    How do you fill in the exercise portion of MFP when you do insanity? I can't figure out how many calories it burns.
    I log it under circuit training. I had heard it burns approximately 500-600 calories per video so I set it for 45 minutes and that puts me around 535 or so. For shorter workouts, I adjust the minutes and it automatically reduces the calories. It's an estimate, but I've lost 6 pounds, 1 inch off my chest and stomach. Just starting week 3 of Insanity, so MFP is working as far as tracking calories.
  • Cory350
    Cory350 Posts: 10
    I'm on day 14 too, I rested yesterday and did pure cardio cardio abs today. I felt so strong during cardio, I barely took any rests (miles from my first attempt at this routine)

    I feel awesome! I did however get some lingering lower back pain from the c sits in cardio abs. I hope I don't have bad form that's causing it.
    I bought an inversion table and try to spend about 10 minutes on it each day. I have had problems with lower back pain, too, and it seems to be helping.
  • dawniep22
    dawniep22 Posts: 1 Member
    If you have a smart phone you can down load a calorie burner app that has every workout every imagined on there and how many calories burned. I start week 6 tomorrow...
  • azrrt76
    azrrt76 Posts: 59 Member
    Just started month two yesterday...hubby and I were just pointing out which muscles are the sorest today.....ALL OF THEM!
  • kb_CG_wife
    kb_CG_wife Posts: 181 Member
    I'm on day 14 too, I rested yesterday and did pure cardio cardio abs today. I felt so strong during cardio, I barely took any rests (miles from my first attempt at this routine)

    I feel awesome! I did however get some lingering lower back pain from the c sits in cardio abs. I hope I don't have bad form that's causing it.

    I get lower back pain as well. At that point I rest, have a sip of water, then get back into good form. I attribute the discomfort to #1 weaker core muscles and #2 fatigue, ending up in poor form.

    The longer we keep at it, the better we will get!!! Keep digging deeper :)
  • mx2mama
    mx2mama Posts: 62
    Starting week #2 of Insanity and all of you are inspiring me! Keep up the awesome work! I can't imagine not taking any rests during pure cardio! It will come...
  • Starting week two of insanity tomorrow morning and the first week has been great. This is my second attempt. The first time I did it, I didn't bother so much with form and ended up laying on my back for 3 days by the end of week 3. Been a bit afraid of it since. Nevertheless, this time I'm taking it much slower and focusing on form over numbers above all. Insanity is great and better than the cardio training I did while in the service years ago. I am hoping to post some before and after pics when I finish up. Congrats to everyone attempting or who have completed this *kitten*-kicking program.
  • lqmustang
    lqmustang Posts: 125 Member
    I start my 5th week of Insanity tomorrow. I can say deeper you get into it the better you get. I did my 3rd fit test today and was amazed how well I did from day 1. With very healthy eating at around 1600 cal/day I've lost near 13 lbs in that 5 weeks. I still run into some minor muscle soreness here and there but I really push myself hard through all the workouts. As to monitoring calories yes the heart rate monitor is the way to go. I have a watch style HRM that you have to touch to get a reading and I really don't like it. I want to get one with a chest strap as I hear they are more accurate and easier to use. Dig deep!