Why am I not losing weight? :(



  • lousoulbody
    lousoulbody Posts: 663 Member
    Im on a plateau like you, 7lbs left to lose and the scale hasn't moved since Dec22nd. So starting tomorrow i have upped my daily calories to 1500, changed my marco ratio to 30%protein 20% fat 50%carbs 40g of fibre & im starting Jillian's Last Chance Work Out, a 6 week program i hope will jump start my metabolism & get me losing again!

    Try to up you daily calories and listen to what mpf friends & followers have to say, they know.

    Best of luck busting the plateau!
  • babyshekamoo
    babyshekamoo Posts: 17 Member
    It could mean heart rate monitor... Perhaps you should incorporate some strength training into your exercise plan. Building muscle helps to burn calories regularly.

    I completely agree with this, cardio alone wont do the trick.
  • weloveddisney
    I concur I have only been at this for about 2 weeks and I excepted to see major results. Nothing major. I did lose 2 inches but that was it no weight loss. I started the Dr.Oz ACV drink today and it was horrible but it did seem to curb any appetite. I also started walking 2 miles 3X a week and today my husband put me on the weights. OMG I hurt in places I long forgot existed. Keep going you and I both will see results soon.
  • caityskye
    i feel your pain
  • weloveddisney
    I have a question that I hope anyone can help with. If a person does have hypothyroidism but I'm eating under my calories and I just started walking 2 miles a day with some weight training. I have 60 lbs to lose and I am really determined to lose this weight. Any help or advice is helpful and appreciated.
  • weloveddisney
    I have a question that I hope anyone can help with. I have hypothyroidism but I'm eating under my calories ( just changed to 1200) and I just started this weekend walking 2 miles a day with some weight training is there actual hope? I have 60 lbs to lose and I am really determined to lose this weight but I really would like to see some results on the scale. I even have started the Dr. Oz ACV drink ( gross) Any help or advice is helpful and appreciated.
  • trink68
    trink68 Posts: 48 Member
    takes usually a month to see some results..

    scale is nothing

    try fitting on some old clothes :)

    What he said....I havent stepped on a scale in months.I go strictly by clothing,lol.Just went down another inch in waist size....
  • trink68
    trink68 Posts: 48 Member
    Cant see any reason why you wont lose....lots of fruits and veggies.I just started the weights.But for the past year all I have done is treadmill walking.For me its all about what I eat.I dont go near the scale anymore...
  • PHr34k0wt
    PHr34k0wt Posts: 218 Member
    Well, it could be a variety of reasons. I agree with everyone else, up your calories since you are exercising. I think you'd be safe in the 1500 range at least. You know, fuel in.. fuel out.

    I checked out your diary. So, add Sugar to track. Some may not agree with what I'm about to say. But I promise I wouldn't say it, if I didn't have any backing. Track your sugar. I've noticed when I'm over on sugar, my weight loss slows down even though I stay within my calorie limit.

    I have a dear friend that I told the very same thing to. She was on track with her calories and exercising every day.. but she was not losing weight. I told her to watch her sugar intake. I edited the settings of her diary and she kept a close watch on her sugar as well as stayed within her calorie range. Within 2 weeks she dropped about 10 pounds.... and she's not a big girl by any means.

    The easiest way to up your calories would be in the morning. Egg whites, wheat toast... Sugar Free Oatmeal (Great value brand, 100 cals a packet with water). Etc. :happy:

    I know it's frustrating, but don't give up. Whatever you do... Keep on eating healthy and exercising. It'll come off eventually! It has to. :wink:
    Great tip!! I'm going to edit my diary now!
  • PHr34k0wt
    PHr34k0wt Posts: 218 Member
    Hi, I can feel your frustration through your post and I just hate to see that. I see some very good ideas and suggestions on here but the very best things that I see (and agree with) are:
    Get that heart rate monitor but really research them and decide which one does what you need it to do. For me, if it didn't track calories accurately using my heart rate rather than a pedometer, I wasn't interested. I have the Polar (I can't remember the model) and it's helped me to really see what I'm doing. Before I had my Polar, I was guestimating what I was burning with my Insanity workouts based on what others at my height and weight were burning (Approximately 350 calories per video). I found that I was really burning 400-500 calories per work out! I also learned after wearing it an entire day and night and monitoring the calories burned at work and while I was sleeping that my body burnes about 1 calorie per minute during no activity or very light ativity (my job is super sedentary). So my point is that step one is really learning where and when you are burning those calories.

    Also, I agree that the scale doesn't tell the whole story but it certainly helps. I wouldn't stop tracking that because it also helps you learn how your body reacts to your activities.

    I noticed little or no change when I did Insanity the first time because I didn't change the quality of food I ate. I would eat 1200 cal. per day but it was not good quality (As many others have mentioned here). Beachbody (the folks who make my beloved Insanity) has a ton of free coaches who are all about helping and educating. Mine (Amanda Jones) gave me the recipe to what she calls her "Big as a head salad". And my friend, it really is huge. I am not a salad girl but knew that I needed to get my calories in a way that would make the exercise worth it. So I tried the salad and dressing and I'll be darned if I'm not hooked on it! I've had it for lunch for about two weeks now and have noticed that I feel better, sleep better, and work out more effectively. So what I'm saying here is that the saying "Abs are made in the kitchen, not in the gym" is so very true.

    Please don't give up trying, just take a step back and use this as an opportunity to learn about your body and how it works. I will freely admit to eating nothing but three slices of Papa John's pizza all day because that was my calorie cap and thinking I had done well. I now cringe that I used to do that and know for sure why I was not successful my first round of Insanity! I started Insanity up again December 27th and (with the exeption of one week when the family had the flu..yeay), I've followed the regimine and have been smart about giving my body what it needed and hey, I've lost a few pounds.

    Don't be discouraged, friend, you are among friends who have been there!
    Here's the link to that salad and the dressing, just in case you are interested. That dressing is kind of like...heaven. Seriously.

    Awesome, thank you so much for that!
  • PHr34k0wt
    PHr34k0wt Posts: 218 Member
    Thanks everybody, you all have been such a help!
  • jodyfosterelder
    Aside from those who say you need more calories, (which in fact you may), what are you eating exactly. Is it quality protein and carbs? There may only be 125 calories in that snack, but 30 grams of sugar, (which turns into fat). It is important on your journey to learn about sugars, fats, etc. It could be what you are putting in your body, and not how much.