Pre-calculated math????

Hey, I am new on here, so I am still figuring everything out. My question is, is that when I first signed up, it asked me on here what my normal daily activity is like. I chose the 3rd one, the "mediumly active" one for myself, due to my job. My question is, do I still include my "brisk walks" for 5-7 hours a day in my logs, or are they already pre-calculated somehow since I said I had an "active" lifestyle day to day? It's probably a stupid question but I just wanted to make sure! Thanks!


  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    You walk for 5-7 hours a day??
  • BlueLotusFlower
    BlueLotusFlower Posts: 40 Member
    Yep, I am a server at a very busy place. I only get about a 10 minute break, and even then, I still don't sit down :/.
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    Oh I see. Walking during a waitressing/serving job is quite different than walking during exercise. During exercise it's continuous movement, during work it's not. Though you are on your feet most of the time, you're not walking very fast and also much of the time you are just standing there (taking orders, etc) I would not log this as exercise, but perhaps update MFP to 'very active',
  • BlueLotusFlower
    BlueLotusFlower Posts: 40 Member
    Ok thanks!! I was just wondering since when I went to put it into my exercise log, it resulting in giving me a nearly 3000 calorie a day goal. I didn't feel that was anywhere near right,so I appreciate it!! =)