Help: I don't think I'm eating enough

After the first 2 weeks I was down 6lbs... This past week I was "good"... And I added 2 lbs (i weigh once a week). When I say good, I've typically been coming in about 400 calories under net... Me thinks my idea of "good" is horked. So I've started reading, and want to make sure I have the gist of things...

Heigh: 6'1"
CW: 201
BF: 25% (calculated from fat to fit Military Calculator)
GW: 175

I essentially have a desk job, but I've been trying to work out during the week.. Typically about 40min on the elliptical (machine says I'm burning 625... I typically round down to 600), and then I lift some weights (4-5 machines, 2-3 sets). Weekends I try to get in at least a ~40mi bike ride averaging around 16-17 mph).

When I set my goal (-2lbs per week), that left me with a goal of 1550 cal.
When I calculate my BMR from fat 2 fit... Given my goals.. It's saying I should be at:

2175: sedentary
2490: Lightly active
2800: Moderately active (exercise 3-5 times a week)

Are the numbers above net or total not counting calories that would normally be subtracted out due to exercise?

If I should be anywhere near that amount, then I must be slowing down my metabolism???
If I had been averaging a net of 1150 or so... It looks like I would do better if I added about 400-500 calories a day? Do I have that right?

If I've slowed down my metabolism, how quickly can the process be reversed? Should one slowly ramp up the calories, or just start out eating the right amount?

Another question.... What's the "ideal" break down macro wise? Keep in mind, I'd like to add a bit of muscle... Not looking to get bulky per se... Just lean.

Right now I have things set to:

30% Fat
45% Carbs
25% Protein

Looking at this past couple of weeks, I've been more like:

30% Fat
40% Carbs
30% Protein

Thoughts? Any suggestions on whom to follow who seem to have this "thing" / "process" nailed down?

Thanks in advance!



  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    After the first 2 weeks I was down 6lbs... This past week I was "good"... And I added 2 lbs (i weigh once a week). When I say good, I've typically been coming in about 400 calories under net... Me thinks my idea of "good" is horked. So I've started reading, and want to make sure I have the gist of things...

    There are many things that affect scale weight. Most notably sodium and starting a new exercise plan. Did you do some extra work outs this week? Add lifting or a new set of lifts? Your muscles will retain water because of this.
    Heigh: 6'1"
    CW: 201
    BF: 25% (calculated from fat to fit Military Calculator)
    GW: 175

    I essentially have a desk job, but I've been trying to work out during the week.. Typically about 40min on the elliptical (machine says I'm burning 625... I typically round down to 600), and then I lift some weights (4-5 machines, 2-3 sets). Weekends I try to get in at least a ~40mi bike ride averaging around 16-17 mph).

    The calorie burn estimates seem a bit high. Maybe you should look into investing in a HRM to get a more accurate read.
    When I set my goal (-2lbs per week), that left me with a goal of 1550 cal.
    When I calculate my BMR from fat 2 fit... Given my goals.. It's saying I should be at:

    2175: sedentary
    2490: Lightly active
    2800: Moderately active (exercise 3-5 times a week)

    Are the numbers above net or total not counting calories that would normally be subtracted out due to exercise?

    If I should be anywhere near that amount, then I must be slowing down my metabolism???
    If I had been averaging a net of 1150 or so... It looks like I would do better if I added about 400-500 calories a day? Do I have that right?

    ^ Are you sure those are BMR or are they TDEE?

    If you use MFP's default method, for 2 pounds a week they just subtract 1000 calories a day. When you calculate your TDEE, you subtract 20%, not a straight 1000 calories.

    The MFP method has you eat your exercise calories while the other is a flat number that includes your overall lifestyle so you eat the same amount every day whether you bike 2 miles or 10 on one certain day.

    You're a big man, you should definitely be eating more then 1150 calories

    Here's a link to step by step help:
    If I've slowed down my metabolism, how quickly can the process be reversed? Should one slowly ramp up the calories, or just start out eating the right amount?

    Unless you've eaten restrictively for many, many years, this is not relevant. Your metabolism won't slow down just because you ate fewer calories for a few days.
    Another question.... What's the "ideal" break down macro wise? Keep in mind, I'd like to add a bit of muscle... Not looking to get bulky per se... Just lean.

    Very generally:

    1g protein per LBM
    .33g fat per pound total body weight
    fill the rest with carbs

    Also, unless you are a newbie or very obese, it's pretty much impossible to gain muscle while on a calorie deficit. Lose the fat to see the muscles.
    Right now I have things set to:

    30% Fat
    45% Carbs
    25% Protein

    Looking at this past couple of weeks, I've been more like:

    30% Fat
    40% Carbs
    30% Protein

    Thoughts? Any suggestions on whom to follow who seem to have this "thing" / "process" nailed down?

    Thanks in advance!


    For further information and some great reads join this group:
  • djdube525
    djdube525 Posts: 69 Member
    After the first 2 weeks I was down 6lbs... This past week I was "good"... And I added 2 lbs (i weigh once a week). When I say good, I've typically been coming in about 400 calories under net... Me thinks my idea of "good" is horked. So I've started reading, and want to make sure I have the gist of things...

    There are many things that affect scale weight. Most notably sodium and starting a new exercise plan. Did you do some extra work outs this week? Add lifting or a new set of lifts? Your muscles will retain water because of this.

    Thanks for the feedback! Sorry for the length reply... this is also my way of "writing things down" for future reference.

    I did add a set to most of my routines... maybe that is the cause. I'm hoping it's either that or sodium... a little bit disheartening if it's not. In any event... I'm in it for the long haul so it shouldn't matter.

    A couple comments to your questions/comments.

    I do have a HRM (Garmin 500 bike computer) which I do use when I bike, walk, or run... I just hadn't been using it on the eliptical. I was basing calorie loss from the machine (Precor, Resistance = 10, Incline = 9, avg 175 steps per min)... I did think the numbers seemed a bit high, but by how much I'm not sure. I'll try the HRM this week.

    I did read the following... trying to make sure I understand all of the principals...

    This is where I'm a bit confused... oh shoot... I misread the Fat 2 Fit ( BMR results page... I just scrolled down to the spreadsheet... here's a recap of my BMR when using my goal weight of 175:

    MFP BMR is: 1,878 (Mifflin - St. Jeor equations)
    Fat 2 Fit BMR is: 1,973 (Harris - Bennedict)
    Fat 2 Fit BMR is: 1,853 (Katch - McArdle)

    From reading, Katch-McArdle is more acurate than Harris - Bennedict.

    I don't quite understand why the MFP thread by Dan says to put your current weight in the Goal weight field of the Fat2Fit calculator? Thoughts? Is this just staying: Stay below the number below and you should ultimately lose weight?

    Doing that I get:

    Lightly Active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/wk) 2713
    Moderately Active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/wk) 3058
    Very Active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days/wk) 3403
    Extremely Active (hard daily exercise/sports & physical job or 2X day training, i.e marathon, contest etc.) 3749

    Any idea if these are net or total calories (assuming you burn X number of calories per exercise?

    In terms of macros... you mentioned 1g Protein, .33 g Fat per lb of LBM.... The rest should be carbs. According to the calculators, I have 151lb of LBM... rounding to 150... So I wanted to shoot for the 1540 calories per day (lose 2lbs per week) I should be looking at something (roughly) like:

    150g of Protein (600 calories)
    49.5g of Fat (445.5 calories)
    124g of Carbs (496 calories)

    Or... 39% Protein, 29% Fat, 32% Carbs... Does that sound about right?

    The more that I think about this, I have been a bit under... I need to adjust. From what I gather... even if I come in at 1,700 calories net... I'm going to lose... so don't "freak out" if I go "over the line" a bit... right?

    On to exercise... my thoughts on lifting at this point... My intention was not to lose muscle mass not really gain since I'm at a defecit... once I get close to my goal weight I was planning to "shift". Does that seem logical?

    I haven't been lifting at all... this is going to be my biggest struggle as I find it mind numbingly boring. Even an eliptical or treadmill seems more exciting to me. I just need to last a few more weeks to get over the initial "hurdle" (my mind).

    I appreciate someone "listening" as I talk myself through this... I'll check out the group you mentioned earlier.
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    Use your HRM to calculate calories on the elliptical. Elliptical machines are notorious for overestimating calories burned--sometimes by 2x. You might not be creating the deficit you think you are.