
Kanderson47 Posts: 110 Member
I must buy me some grapefruits AND Apples:

In a recent study, Louisiana State University scientists discovered that people who ate half a grapefruit three times a day lost 4 pounds in 12 weeks, even though they hadn’t deliberately altered any other part of their diets. Although the mechanism isn’t clear, the researchers speculate that grapefruit’s acidity may slow your rate of digestion, helping keep you full longer.

Turns out, an apple a day may also keep the extra weight away. Penn State researchers discovered that people who ate a large apple 15 minutes before lunch took in 187 fewer calories during lunch than those who didn’t snack beforehand. (The apples had around 128 calories.) What’s more, they reported feeling fuller afterward, too. Sure, the fruit is loaded with belly-filling fiber, but there’s another reason apples help you feel full: They require lots of chewing, which can make you think you’re eating more than you really are, says study author Julie Obbagy, Ph.D.


  • EmilyAnn89
    EmilyAnn89 Posts: 564 Member
    very interesting! might have to go pick me up some as well :wink:
  • Songbird146
    Songbird146 Posts: 46 Member
    thanks. That was very interesting. I already eat a lot of grapefruit. I will have to invest in sme more apples. When I do buy them they always go bad faster than I can eat them and they end up being deer food.
  • donna56
    donna56 Posts: 412
    Grapefruits are a wonderful aid in dieting, but if you happen to be on any cholestoral meds, DO NOT eat grapefruits or drink the juice, it is deadly!