Yoga X replacement?

Karna6e Posts: 57
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
First off, let me state that I love how I feel after the Yoga X for P90X workout.

That being said, 90 minutes has gotten to be too long. Can anyone recommend a replacement DVD in the 45 minute range? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • pkgirrl
    pkgirrl Posts: 587
    I hate Yoga X =p ..

    mainly because it's too long, all I can think of is how I feel I need to be doing a billion other things and the dvd seems to go soo slow..

    So I'm pretty interested in hearing this as well =)
  • taryn_perry
    taryn_perry Posts: 193 Member
    I know Yoga X is usually the one that people don't look forward to, but I'll tell ya, if it's your first round of P90X, it's SO ESSENTIAL in fulfilling the program and getting results. Yoga allows you to connect your mind to your muscles and help them heal and elongate. We want that, as does your body need the rest. So, keep trying at it and if you even get through 1 hour, that's great!

    I will say, on the days you are short on time, Tony Horton has a few Yoga video's in his One on One series. Here's some info on it: By no means, am I suggesting to substitute Yoga X for one of his Yoga videos in his one on one series, as they won't give you the results as Yoga X is intended to with the P90X program.

    That's my two bits, as I hated it my first round (sucked it up anyway) and now really look forward to it. Even 3 rounds later! :)

    Best of luck.
  • nali_12
    nali_12 Posts: 172 Member
    I've gotta agree with Taryn. It can seem long but it really is so beneficial. I'm on my 2nd round and I was not a big fan of it my first round but I had to learn to change my mindset and now I actually look forward to it. If you have time you can google a youtube video of Tony talking about the importance of yoga, it was very interesting! If you absolutely do have to replace it (which i think you should try and stick it out) there is a member, Sandy429 that could probably give you some great yoga videos, she seems to be a yoga and fitness master! :)

    Good luck!
  • taryn_perry
    taryn_perry Posts: 193 Member
    Better yet, here is that YouTube video of Tony speaking to the importance of Yoga:
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