Jump start. -50

24 years old. Media and Pr coordinator. New relationship. Super busy. And I need to lose weight.

Always have been "tubby", until high school with cheer leading, soft ball, pageants and all I was a very muscular 135. and never had to work out alone. i always had a team or a coach there pushing me or requiring me to be there. And I want at least some of that back. Currently 180. Gaining most of it through college. Fluctuating up and down to 158 over the past year and a half but have been gaining constantly for the past 6 months. Hell I'd settle for 150 at this point but im almost 200lbs and can't believe it and I'm embarrassed I'm one of those girls that has "let themselves go" since highschool. I have no kids and no excuse. My boyfriend is amazing and has been dating me only as this size but has known me since before but he can see how unhappy i am.

I don't like anything I put on, shopping is horrible, I can't even fit into a large anymore.

I need help setting a plan to incorporate a healthy diet, consistent exercise, and sticking too it. My average mile is about 12 min. And I can usually only run for 20 min. And I LOVE fried foods and I don't drink sodas at all.

Please help start me off. Wish me luck anything will do.
