Zumba lovers out there?



  • LBJordan99
    LBJordan99 Posts: 25 Member
    Of course they do!
  • blu_meanie_ca
    blu_meanie_ca Posts: 352 Member
    Yes, dudes do Zumba.. but only the super tough ones (I get my mucho manly contruction worker husband doing it with me once in a while).
    I herniated my L5 2 years ago. Outside of the pain, my range of motion was so limited that there were times I could not put on my own socks. With in 2 weeks of doing Zumba (in my own home) I can now not only touch my toes again, but, I can put my palms flat on the floor. I've lost 18lb since Jan 2, and I can get out of bed in the morning with out back pain. In fact, today I sneezed and it didn't hurt (anyone who's herniated a disc will understand).
    Some of my weight loss is diet, but, most of it is Zumba.
  • mizzcasual
    mizzcasual Posts: 223 Member
    I love zumba I haven't been for a while but I love it going to go this week . I don't go too much as I don't like the evening class they're always busy.
  • melaniejo527
    melaniejo527 Posts: 73 Member
    How do you record Zumba on the exercise part of MFP? Do you record under dancing or Aerobics?

    I was wondering the same thing. I was thinking of doing that dance option under cardio and readjusting the calories by using zumbacalculator.com. I am loving all the Zumba love! For me I hate running( a mindest I need to change) so a fun cardio is a must for me!

    I bought myself a heartrate monitor to wear at classes and it counts my calories for me.. Oh and I LOVE ZUMBA!!! Our teachers incorporate about 1 or 2 songs a class that involve weights.
  • slimforparis
    slimforparis Posts: 51 Member
    I am a new convert to Zumba but I'm really looking forward to going tonight!
  • TheMisses22
    TheMisses22 Posts: 16 Member
    do dudes zumba?

    My husband comes with me to my Zumba classes (we go twice a week) and there are always men in the class. I would say 5 or so. They are def outnumbered but they are there. One guy even brings his own toning sticks to our Zumba toning class. :)
  • liznotyet
    liznotyet Posts: 402 Member
    I just ordered the DVDs as incentive to keep going on this journey.
  • mlogantra76
    mlogantra76 Posts: 334 Member
    I have just recently found it. I started January 2nd and have gone to 3-4 classes a week since. Its so much fun! I actually have three different leaders depending on the day. They are very different but I like them all. I used to be a hardcore runner but developed knee problems. Since doing Zumba, I have had some pain and have gotten knee braces and ice my knees. That seems to take care of it. I also try and avoid the "jumping up and down" moves as I think that resembles the pounding for running. Anyways, I am HOOKED! I love it:) And, I'm so not a "exercise class' person with a group of people. However, I just stay in the back and have fun and not worry about how I look. I don't have a heart rate monitor so am not sure how many calories I burn. I do know that I was very very sore after the first two classes and it took 5 classes for me to not be sore. Once you learn the routines you can work on perfecting it and you can make your moves bigger.
  • kpchefai
    kpchefai Posts: 54 Member
    I LOOOVVEEE zumba!!! I just started about 3 weeks ago. At first I thought I'd try 2 classes a week but now I do 5-6(just realized how much money I have spent on it haha). I go to three different instructors and the classes are all so different! It's great.

    When I first started I hid in the back and tried to avoid seeing myself in the mirror but tonight was the first night I went right in front. My favorite songs are Déjala que baile, Boro Boro and Stereo Love for the cool down. I also noticed tonight that I have become significantly more flexible than I was three weeks ago which is great. I have lost 6-7 pounds.

    The only question I have is still for calories? I have no idea what my actual burn is...I used the online counter for mid-intensity and it gave me about 650. So I had been using that but I thought it was too high. Then tonight I wore my new HRM for the first time and it said 888. My class is 60 minutes with an additional 15 minutes of abs/arms at the end. I am 5'7 186 lbs. I think I will stick with the 650 number.
  • Makeda1211
    Makeda1211 Posts: 134 Member
    I LOOOVVEEE zumba!!! I just started about 3 weeks ago. At first I thought I'd try 2 classes a week but now I do 5-6(just realized how much money I have spent on it haha). I go to three different instructors and the classes are all so different! It's great.

    When I first started I hid in the back and tried to avoid seeing myself in the mirror but tonight was the first night I went right in front. My favorite songs are Déjala que baile, Boro Boro and Stereo Love for the cool down. I also noticed tonight that I have become significantly more flexible than I was three weeks ago which is great. I have lost 6-7 pounds.

    The only question I have is still for calories? I have no idea what my actual burn is...I used the online counter for mid-intensity and it gave me about 650. So I had been using that but I thought it was too high. Then tonight I wore my new HRM for the first time and it said 888. My class is 60 minutes with an additional 15 minutes of abs/arms at the end. I am 5'7 186 lbs. I think I will stick with the 650 number.

    As a larger woman who takes Zumba four times a week, you should go with the reading from the heart monitor. It's accurate. I burn about the same and even a little bit more because I started off at 277 and am 5'11. I know its hard to believe that you would burn that much but it really depends on how much you are using your arms and how intense you go on the heart rate raising moves. The reason I say this is so that you will be taking in enough calories to adjust for the amount of calories you are burning.

    I'm so glad that you enjoy Zumba. It has been life changing for me.
  • yocellyz
    yocellyz Posts: 13 Member
    I also love, Love LOVE ZUMBA!!!!. I go 3 to 4 times a week to 24Hr fitness in NOHO. Which is great because the classes are included with my gym membership. I have thought of getting an x box with the kinect to continue my workouts on the days there isn't class but still not sure if I should get one.
  • zipora21
    zipora21 Posts: 27 Member
    I love Zumba! You can also go on Youtube and find Zumba workouts you can do at home =)
  • zipora21
    zipora21 Posts: 27 Member
    I also love, Love LOVE ZUMBA!!!!. I go 3 to 4 times a week to 24Hr fitness in NOHO. Which is great because the classes are included with my gym membership. I have thought of getting an x box with the kinect to continue my workouts on the days there isn't class but still not sure if I should get one.

    I go to the one in pasadena =)
  • lseed87
    lseed87 Posts: 1,105 Member
    Love Zumba! Lost about 50+ pounds from it. Still got 50 or so more to go though :/
  • JenNuma
    JenNuma Posts: 52 Member
    I'm not very coordinated, but LOVE it!