Grrrr...... I don't want to allow myself any more excuses...

jelr Posts: 98 Member
So I was two weeks into Insanity was doing fine with it. Nothing other then light soreness the first few days. I am overweight/obese (27 years old 5'2'' 175lbs) I had to stop insanity because on the 10th I had all 4 wisdom teeth removed. Was advised to wait 1-2 weeks before picking up any exercise again for healing purposes.

Thursday felt good went for a run, fine. Friday got talked into an hour long Zumba class with a friend was great had a blast know I looked like a fool and had no clue what I was doing but kept the intensity up the whole class through (HRM gave me an almost 800 cal burn) felt fine the next day other then some pain in my extraction sites. So saturday decided to start back with 30DS because of the lower impact, My mouth is still a little sensitive and only just now eating foods that require chewing again. Next morning it feels like I am getting shin splints ( I have had them in the past once) went ahead did day 2 last night it was bearable except for the butt kicks..... those were rather excruciating and I had to dog it on those. I mean WTH?? a much lower intensity/impact/ and length workout hurts me more then the one that clearly pushes my limits much further (btw never had a problem with the butt kicks in insanity.... or any other move) So annoyed right now, my left leg hurts more then the other is there anything besides icing/and anti-inflammatory I can use to push through this? going to obviously try a different pair of shoes tonight as well. But still rather irked......

I have had too many start and stops in the past two years part of which combined with horrible nutrition (for the first 3 years after having kids I would maybe eat twice a day for a total of 600-800 calories and then binge eating other days have been working on correcting this the past month or so by logging) But had to stop P90 45 days into it from rolling my ankle jumping down from the top of our SUV, that took me about 6 months to even be able to jog on again without pain. Then when I started getting into some light exercises I was diagnosed with a heart condition I had for a few years and got put on a low mental & bodily stress lifestyle order for 4 months until I could get scheduled and flown out for my surgery. Then well I was just defeated for the last year, kept thinking I needed a workout accountability partner and my husband was just too wishy washy so never got off the ground with any kind of routine because if he didn't want ot do it with me I would skip it as well. I just was down, I was overweight depressed and annoyed with myself.

Decided at the end of December the self-pity party was over. Now I am just annoyed because hell or high water I am going to do something, and finish it. So how do I get through the 30DS without further irritating/causing shin splints? I know I could wait another week or two til I am good to go for insanity, but that's a week or two wasted, and more likely to turn into more then a week or two if I lose my drive in idleness waiting when I have obviously done enough of that the past couple of years to get me where I am.


  • hastinbe
    hastinbe Posts: 130 Member
    That paragraph needs to go on a diet
  • jelr
    jelr Posts: 98 Member
    So sorry for the lack of text breaks, trying to rush out a post while dealing with two kids....
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    Check out the other two levels and see if your body can tolerate those until the shin splints heal?
  • jessjayjenk
    jessjayjenk Posts: 19 Member
    So I was two weeks into Insanity was doing fine with it. Nothing other then light soreness the first few days. I am overweight/obese (27 years old 5'2'' 175lbs) I had to stop insanity because on the 10th I had all 4 wisdom teeth removed. Was advised to wait 1-2 weeks before picking up any exercise again for healing purposes.

    Thursday felt good went for a run, fine. Friday got talked into an hour long Zumba class with a friend was great had a blast know I looked like a fool and had no clue what I was doing but kept the intensity up the whole class through (HRM gave me an almost 800 cal burn) felt fine the next day other then some pain in my extraction sites. So saturday decided to start back with 30DS because of the lower impact, My mouth is still a little sensitive and only just now eating foods that require chewing again. Next morning it feels like I am getting shin splints ( I have had them in the past once) went ahead did day 2 last night it was bearable except for the butt kicks..... those were rather excruciating and I had to dog it on those. I mean WTH?? a much lower intensity/impact/ and length workout hurts me more then the one that clearly pushes my limits much further (btw never had a problem with the butt kicks in insanity.... or any other move) So annoyed right now, my left leg hurts more then the other is there anything besides icing/and anti-inflammatory I can use to push through this? going to obviously try a different pair of shoes tonight as well. But still rather irked......

    I have had too many start and stops in the past two years part of which combined with horrible nutrition (for the first 3 years after having kids I would maybe eat twice a day for a total of 600-800 calories and then binge eating other days have been working on correcting this the past month or so by logging) But had to stop P90 45 days into it from rolling my ankle jumping down from the top of our SUV, that took me about 6 months to even be able to jog on again without pain. Then when I started getting into some light exercises I was diagnosed with a heart condition I had for a few years and got put on a low mental & bodily stress lifestyle order for 4 months until I could get scheduled and flown out for my surgery. Then well I was just defeated for the last year, kept thinking I needed a workout accountability partner and my husband was just too wishy washy so never got off the ground with any kind of routine because if he didn't want ot do it with me I would skip it as well. I just was down, I was overweight depressed and annoyed with myself.

    Decided at the end of December the self-pity party was over. Now I am just annoyed because hell or high water I am going to do something, and finish it. So how do I get through the 30DS without further irritating/causing shin splints? I know I could wait another week or two til I am good to go for insanity, but that's a week or two wasted, and more likely to turn into more then a week or two if I lose my drive in idleness waiting when I have obviously done enough of that the past couple of years to get me where I am.

    When you do a high intensity workout that you're not used to, your body takes strain. You often get sore 2-3days after an intense workout, it has something to do with muscles. Sometimes you just need a couple of days rest, but you will recover! It pain often feels worse in the 2nd or 3rd day after a workout, but it's good, you're muscles are just healing and recovering. Don't give up, just continue what you're doing and your body will heal. You'll feel better soon - and the worst part is after you've recovered you will get more addicted to high intensity workouts just to feel the pain again. I know it sounds weird, but it's true! Keep going, don't give up and keep in mind "motivation and dedication".