the final push :) 2nd time back here.

So I am Lynn, 34 and in Berkshire. I work in IT, travel a lot with work which makes eating clean a little hard. I started my diet July last year at a massive 18 Stone 8 lbs........


Scary I know, I would like to say i have all the excuses in the world as to how I got that big, but the truth is... I ate too much, did too little and lived in denial.

I went on the Cambridge Diet (a VLCD and some would say fad diet), but it has worked for me, although now developed very bad eating habits. I have very mixed feelings about what this diet has done to/for me, which is a whole other discussion.

In 5 months I dropped to 12.5 Stone


(I'm the one in the blazer :smile: )

Now after meeting my new boyfriend, having December off, and realizing I have lost all motivation I am back here to help shift the last bit of weight. I don't have a goal weight as such in mind, I am heading to around 10.5 stone... but who knows, I am stopping when I am finally happy with my wobbly bits.

I work out twice a day, 6 days a a week, a lovely combo of cardio and weights. Dan the OH is a bodybuilder and has got me very heavily into weights and showing me the positive sides of what they can do. I train as most would, Arms - Monday, Chest - Tuesday, Legs - Wednesday, Thursday is a break from weights day for me, Friday is Back... including dead-lifts :wink: (yep I don't get out of those) and Saturday is Shoulders and Legs again (as certain things such as front squats etc I only do with my OH).

Now I follow the CD for a couple more weeks to kick start but with added food. I have CNP Propetide twice a day for training recovery, and a little carbs with my meals. After i have got to a lovely 11.5 stone I will be moving to pure clean eating :) just need to get my motivation back as cake is winning out over chicken :)