Any VersaSpa users?

ShawndaSallee Posts: 103 Member
edited January 10 in Chit-Chat
Just wondering what yall think of Versa Spa tanning. I’ve been using it for a little over a week. I stopped tanning about a year ago due to medication I have to take. I’ve always looooved tanning. I was never the orange girl though. It always relaxed me and who isn’t more confident with a little color? But it really is sooooo bad for you. I’m not sure I would have started tanning again been if I ever stop taking the medication. My father is an Irish red head and one giant freckle, which leaves me naturally light complected, but my momma is about 1/2 Native American so I tan very easily. But cancer runs rabid in both sides of my family and my father recently had a cancer spot removed from his forehead. So I think I’ll toss in the towel. That’s why I started trying the Versa Spa spray tan. So far I’ve been happy with it. Although I’m pretty sure due to the prescription cream I’m on, my face fades VERY fast. I don’t get real splotchy...actually haven’t at all. How do yall feel about the extra products that are sold for it and is there anyone who has tried both Versa Spa and Mystic? Which do you prefer? Thanks guys! Have a great day!


  • Windy_
    Windy_ Posts: 1,012 Member
    If your father was one giant freckle wouldn't that mean his skin was tan rather than pale white?
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