Wonderful site from first time user

Hi, I started using this site yesterday after reading about a woman's weight loss success in Family Circle. She said she posted her food intake daily and that's what helped her lose 95 pounds. I posted all my food from yesterday. I started out great but ended up going out to dinner and went over - way over my calorie limit. I knew while I was eating but made the wrong choices. Can you hear my great big sigh? Anyways, today is another day and I will try harder. I'll read the posts now and see who motivates me.


  • GreenieBean
    Oh I know exactly how you feel. I did great yesterday but ended up going out the some friends and eating not so good things :( I knew it was wrong for me to eat it but i did. Today I have started off well again and I went for an extra long, hard run to help me get over last night. Everyday is a new day and a new beginning. Good Luck!

    I find that it helps me to input everything I am going to eat for a whole day so I know for sure I'm not going to go over and to make sure my meals are balanced. Sometimes I even do a day ahead. It really helps me
  • browneyedbug
    Thanks for the reply. I lost 15 pounds last year and gained it all back. This time I promise myself to remember how easily it creeps on. Today is a better day for me. I'm more aware of how easy it is to blow it. Good luck - from your picture you don't look very big. But it's how you feel and if you feel better losing weight that's what matters.
  • GreenieBean
    That's a good picture haha. I have been told I hold my weight well but my BMI ranks 30 which they say is obese. I do have about 50 pounds I need to lose to be where I would like to be. I want to start running and doing 1/2 marathons and marathons someday. I have always been an active person. Just an active person that enjoys food a little more than I should. Good luck to you! I love having this site to talk to other people. Feel free to chat with me anytime!