Clueless about calories gained from exercise


So I'm new at using myfitnesspal and notice that when I enter my exercise for the day I gain extra calories to use for the day. What I want to know is do I use them or do I stick to my 1200 calories for that day? I don't want to not use them and be starving myself calorie wise and I don't want to use them if it means not losing weight or very slowly losing it. Advise about this would be great!



  • ParanSkies
    The 1200 calories that MFP gives you already takes into account weight loss. If you don't eat your exercise calories, you will be at an even bigger caloric deficit which can actually make your weight loss STALL. That's what happened to me :/ I've now raised my calories to 1350 (a little more than my BMR) and eat back around half to most of my exercise calories and my weight is going down again :laugh:

    Unfortunately, the body doesn't like it when you try to lose weight very quickly, more so if you don't have a ton of weight to lose to begin with. A healthy weight loss is usually 1 lb per week!