Ever have one of those days?

Ok, I am 37 years old and having a complete set back. I had some health problems creep up on me, and needed to back off on the workouts for a little while. I was doing P90X last year at this time and LOVED it. I am doing better, health wise. I got the clearance from my doctor to work out again, which I have been doing....but only 2 days per week. I have completely lost my motivation. I am trying to track my calories and overall, I am a healthy eater. I feel like I use to when I was a teenager. I just feel down. Does anyone have days like this? Mine has lasted about two months, so I am reaching out for support. I am a happy person, but just feel blah. Maybe it is the long cold winter, or the lack of spousal support...any suggestions??


  • mommalove1956
    mommalove1956 Posts: 7 Member
    I feel the same as you. I am 26 and going through a medical mystery now. There are days that I just don't feel like getting out of bed much less working out. The only thing that seems to get me out of bed is a picture I found on pinterest of a woman I want to look like. Seems strange I know, but if its the first thing i see, I get my butt a moving because that is my goal.

    I regret that workout. -said no one ever.

    While I don't have any tips, know that you are not alone. I hope that you can find the motivation to start. Even dancing for 5 mins to a song while showering is getting started. Good Luck!
  • upgetupgetup
    upgetupgetup Posts: 749 Member
    Not going to get into your marital stuff (but am going to guess: probably contributing), but as far as lifestyle goes - lack of sun is horrible, and it totally sucks for progress to be railroaded by illness or injury.

    I m trying to focus on figuring out how to get better, improve long-term health, that kind of thing. It's not as motivating as getting into a bikini, though, that's true. It's weird adjusting goals that way, when pounds and inches are so much easier to get your head around, and it's hard to measure progress in function, because how much rest is too much? and progress sometimes hurts. I don't know what to say about it, really. I guess we could try to enjoy the process of safe things like walking and swimming.

    I think try to include pretty things and as much light as possible in your days. Cook nice things, watch good movies/listen to good music, see friends and family... that stuff.

    Wait, you're ok to work out? Do something different. Sign up for a dance class or something - you still can, if you do it in the next couple of days.
  • time2bhealthy
    time2bhealthy Posts: 211 Member
    Thanks for the advice/support. I am going to get off my butt right now and fit in a little exercise.