Kale Chips



  • soni_me
    soni_me Posts: 95 Member
    I plan to try them this week. Someone just gave me the cooking insructions. I'll let you know how they turn out.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    I make them all the time. thi sis copied from my post on a different thread on snacking:

    you can make quite good kale chips by cutting kale leaves (with the ribs removed) in to bite sized pieces and spreading them out on a cookie sheet. spray the pan and the kale pieces with olive oil spray, sprinkle with salt and bake at 275 for 20 minutes or so... watch them because they can burn easily - you want to catch them while they are still green but crunchy, once they are brown - they are ruined! if they are still wet, they need more time. they are super yummy and VERY low calorie... definitely fill the crunchy/salty bill.

    Thank you! I have kale in my basket this week! I'm gonna attempt this!
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    Used only organic kale. I tried the regular and it tasted totally different(YUCK)
    1 bunch kale
    1.5 tbsp. olive oil
    1 tbsp. soy sauce

    oven at 300

    wash and dry kale. then tear off main stem and into about 4 inch pieces.
    mix oil and soy in big bowl and ad kale. mix till its covered.
    on cookie sheet put tin foil and spray with cooking spray. Arrange kale in single layer on sheet.
    cook 13 min then check. after that cook 4 minutes at time till the are dark green almost brown. you can check if they are done but eating one. should be crispy and paper lite. I add more salt when I pull them out.
    makes about 6 servings at 32 calories each.
    will last 1 weeks in air tight container.

    Kale tastes different from farm to farm and from season to season. If the farm where it's grown has had a cold snap the kale will taste AMAZZZZZING if the farm where the kale is grown is very hot then the kale will be very strong flavored and bitter. It has nothing to do with the kale being organic or not. I'm not knocking organic, I frequently buy organic due to decreased environmental impact and the fact that I don't like the idea of consuming pesticides... I'm just saying that organic kale does not inherently taste better than other kale. It is likely some other factor, likely temperature affecting the taste.
  • SoulReckoning
    SoulReckoning Posts: 48 Member
    Kale Chips = Goodness

    I just washed the Kale, dried it, shredded into pieces on a cookie sheet that I sprayed with Olive Oil, sprinkled with garlic salt, and baked at like 300 until they were mostly done. Some were overcooked and some were undercooked, and most were just right. It's just a matter of paying attention while cooking them.

    I actually just did this with slices of cucumber too. I took a large cucumber, sliced it thin. Sprayed the cookie sheet and the slices with olive oil, and garlic. I also took 1/2 of the slices and sprinkled a little fresh grated paremsian cheese on them. I baked the slices until they looked done. Some were crispy and others were a little softer depending on how thick the slice was, but they were all good. I ate a whole cookie sheet ( =1 large cucumber) in one setting while I was prepping my other food for the week. OMG, these were good. I meant to grab zuchini, but wasn't paying attention and got a cucumber instead. But, these were still great!
  • shellma00
    shellma00 Posts: 1,684 Member
    I need to use my Kale before it is bad, but I am skeptical. I guess if I dont try it I will never know if I like it. I may have cut mine a little small but we will see.
    BMARYLYNN Posts: 46 Member
    I just want to thank everyone for all of your suggestions...I am going to try them tonight!! Thanks again for all the comments :happy: Have a great day!!
  • twoss9112
    twoss9112 Posts: 162 Member
    Some were overcooked and some were undercooked, and most were just right. It's just a matter of paying attention while cooking them.

    Use a bowl to put them in after de-ribbing... drizzle the oil over them while in the bowl, then use your hands to work them around, turn them over, basically give them a bath so the coating spreads more evenly.

    I just learned this recipe the other day from watching my sister do it... a more even coating of the oil should help them bake a little more evenly.

    The cucumber idea sounds awesome, I am DEFINITELY going to make those!
  • Jribeiro86
    Jribeiro86 Posts: 108 Member
    My best friend makes these at nearly every party because they are DELICIOUS! She cleans and then shreds the kale, putting it out evenly on a foil-wrapped cookie sheet. She then drizzles olive oil and adds salt and pepper and throws it in the oven at 350 for like 20 minutes. I do the same thing, but I use garlic salt and I spray the oil instead of drizzle so it's a little lighter. We've also used parmesan cheese.