Is what I'm doing enough??

Hi there!
Being a mother of a 2 and 1 year old. My babies are very close in age so in reality I have two baby fat chapters of my life to write off. And I'm a little late starting. I had myself conviced I would stay at 198 and just get use to not fitting into my jeans anymore. Sweatpants and pj pants are more compfy anyway, Right?? (not) Well I stepped on a scale at a friends house and it was 205! Had a little cry for myself. Took the weekend to be depressed that I was the heaviest I've ever been in my life. And that the excuse " i just had a baby" was a year out-dated. So Monday, January 14th. I decided to get my big BUTT up and ready to get fit and healthy for my babies. And leave all the excuses (genetics,baby fat, emotions, time) BEHIND me. It has been a week and I have my moments of AM I DOING ENOUGH?? I'm making sure not to over eat my calories. Counting every single one. Walkin/jogging on the treadmill for 20 minutes a day (thats all body is allowing for NOW) and as well a workout video. I have lost 4 pounds. But I'm still afraid what I'm doing is not enough. Or what I'm doing is wrong? Anyone have any advice/tips they can share with me?


  • mtaiken2
    I personally think you are doing great!!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Shas2228
    Shas2228 Posts: 187
    You sound like me when I first started in September.

    I looked in the mirror and decided that any excuse or health issue wasn't going to stop me from being healthy and feeling amazing.

    Then I was worried it wouldn't come off.

    Don't go over your calorie limit and continue exercising. It'll come off. Counting calories and exercise are the two things people hate doing, because they work.

    You can so do this! :happy:
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    That sounds like an excellent start. As you get more fit, increase the intensity. Add some strength training exercises as well, though lifting those babies is likely getting you a pretty decent arm workout. :wink: If you don't have weights or equipment there are plenty of bodyweight exercises for strength.

    It's wonderful that you've made this decision while your children are young. You are setting an excellent example for them, and in a few years you will be fit enough to ride bikes, jump rope, run and play with them.

    Good luck to you!

    edit for clarification: I don't mean that it will take you a few years to get fit, just that it will be a few years before the children are ready for bike rides.
  • steare31
    I dont think anyone likes looking in the mirror and seeing a reflection that they do not like.... But like other people have commented, watch the calories, do exercise, but a lot of people don't realise you should add some form of resistence training into your routine, helps to keep your metabolism at a higher fat burning rate (more muscle makes you burn more fat) Keep up the good work x
  • cleanjerksnatch
    Low on time, can't work out, too busy with children and married lief? Juice diet
  • julesxo
    julesxo Posts: 422 Member
    It sounds like you are doing GREAT! Just do what you can and gradually increase intensity.

    I have had two children myself, and my youngest is now 9 months. I never thought I could ever fit back into my jeans from before I was pregnant with my first and contemplated giving them all away. Before I got pregnant with my second, I couldn't even get them past my thighs. But after he was born, I was sick of blaming it on baby weight and decided to do actually something about it. The past 8 months I've been working out the hardest I ever have in my life and its paying off. There were times my weight would not move and I wanted to just give up and just accept I was going to be fat since it was easier that way. But I kept going. Yesterday I tried those favourite jeans on, I could get them on and actually button them up. Mind you they are tight but hey, it is progress! I still have more to go but I feel a lot more hopeful now. Its worth it and if I can do it you can too! I suggest taking before and after pictures to motivate yourself.

    Good luck!! :)
  • gisele246
    gisele246 Posts: 57 Member
    If you're losing weight, then it's enough. It's when you stop, that you need to question what you're doing. Keep it up and don't let roadblocks get you down momma!