Loosing Weight while Marathon Training

I wanted to reach out to the forums and get peoples opinion. I am in the process of 2 activities:

1. Training for my first marathon
2. Loosing Weight

I'm not entirely sure how I want to balance the 2 items yet. Do I set my MFP goal to 'maintain' and then don't eat my calories, or do I set my MFP to my current goal (1.5lbs per week)?

I've been running for 2 years now and have completed 3 half marathons so I'm not overly worried about the training side of it, just how to mix the 2 together.

I would appreciate to hear from anyone who was been in a similar situation.

Thank You In Advance.


  • sandgrass
    sandgrass Posts: 9 Member
    This is exactly what I am currently doing. I started Oct 6th and will run a marathon on April 27th. I have lost 1 or 2 pounds every week so far.

    I started at about 247 and am currently around 214. Looking to be 185ish by the marathon. I do not think this will be a problem. I would also like to be run it under 4:00 hours as a goal.

    I am following the Hal Higdon Novice Supreme program for my training.

    For me I am trying to find the balance between keeping the muscle I have totally while losing only fat. It is quite the science when you mix in marathon training.

    I am under in calories 3 or 4 days a week eating lots of protein and tons of steamed vegetables. I also use the Bowflex Xtreme SE 2 about 5 days a week ---basically all day while I am at work. I don't go crazy but I definitely have seen good results.

    If I feel I have plateaued---I will eat plenty/over calories for a couple of days before the hard training days and then go back on the high protein/lots of steamed vegetables during the running. This seems to work great.

    I just take everyday as it comes at me and try to do what I believe will get me to the goals I have set. This has taken a great deal of discipline but, so far so good. I am a bit over half way done with the training.
  • tkillion810
    tkillion810 Posts: 591 Member
    If you have already been running for 2 years, have you been losing weight so far? If yes, then continue to do what has been working. If not, then consider adjusting your calories a smidge. It will be difficult to lose weight while training for the marathon, IMO. I find that the long training runs are very taxing and leave me quite hungry. It's so easy to eat the calories I burned and then some while fighting off that hunger. One of the most important elements for me in curbing this hunger, is eating within 15 minutes of finishing my run. Runners World has some great post run one pot soups you could try. It's cold here so they are very satisfying for me.
  • numsquat
    numsquat Posts: 133
    You should be fine doing what you have been doing if you have been loosing weight. Just keep your protein up. I would also plan on not loosing the last 4-6 weeks before the marathon. Depending on your plan, once you hit the 18+ mile LSD's your body will need the energy stores so just look at maintaining weight, not loosing, during that time. Also gaining 1-4 lbs (total) the last couple of weeks (usually after your last 20 miler) is expected as you taper, your body again is building energy storage for your race.

    The biggest thing is that you want your body in the best running condition for your race and trying to loose weight near the end of your training is not beneficial for that.