Question about stages of loss

In Banks' seriously awesome post:

Around 3 weeks to 1 month is when you usually hit the brick wall of your body adjusting to your new lifestyle and plateau for a couple of weeks. I am at week 7 or 8 right now and I still have not plateaued. I went from a steady 4 pounds a week to around 2 pounds a week (recently).

I'm wondering if this plateau might still be on the horizon? Sometime to (sort of) look forward too? Is my body just a little slow-witted and taking a while to get the drift or have some people gone through the whole thing without hitting that point.

I'm about halfway to my goal right now. I wanted to lose a total of 50 pounds to hit my healthy weight. I've lost 27 (2 before joining MFP).

Definitely not complaining about steady loss - just curious about this and interested if anyone else has experienced the same. I've heard that stage is how you know your body has fully accepted the loss and that you're more likely to keep it off and fluctuate less.