Looking for advice from other busy fathers on MFP

Thought I'd give this a shot. Trying to lose a few pounds and get some muscle tone and strength training. I've noticed in my mid thirties now that my energy, focus and motivation has been on a slow decline.

I'm currently 5'8 and fluctuate between 160-168 lbs. BMI is 25.

I commute about 26 miles each way from the suburbs and so a good chunk of my day outside of work is spent in traffic. After work I'm usually making dinner for the family and/or spending time with my daughter.

I'm trying to eat better where I can but my diet plan has to be somewhat integrated with the meals I make for my family so can't go overboard (i.e. Vegan or Paleo).

Across the street from my house is a middle school track and field and have been trying to take full advantage of that.

Would like to know how other busy dads are able to carve out time to refocus on their physical health?


  • mbreed75
    mbreed75 Posts: 125 Member
    I think you are on the right track. Just keep yourself accountable by filling out your diary every day. Most of the changes can be made just with a healthy diet. And then exercise when you can.
  • Coolhand1969
    Coolhand1969 Posts: 833 Member
    Thought I'd give this a shot. Trying to lose a few pounds and get some muscle tone and strength training. I've noticed in my mid thirties now that my energy, focus and motivation has been on a slow decline.

    I'm currently 5'8 and fluctuate between 160-168 lbs. BMI is 25.

    I commute about 26 miles each way from the suburbs and so a good chunk of my day outside of work is spent in traffic. After work I'm usually making dinner for the family and/or spending time with my daughter.

    I'm trying to eat better where I can but my diet plan has to be somewhat integrated with the meals I make for my family so can't go overboard (i.e. Vegan or Paleo).

    Across the street from my house is a middle school track and field and have been trying to take full advantage of that.

    Would like to know how other busy dads are able to carve out time to refocus on their physical health?

    I"m in a fairly similar situation to you. I decided to join our company gym a couple blocks from my work and get up an hour earlier every morning to work out. Some of that time is offset by lighter pre-rush traffic. I've also ran or biked many times during my son's sports practices. I've been doing this for over a year and it's worked out well for me.
  • ncahill77
    ncahill77 Posts: 501 Member
    Very similar circumstances, I try to workout at lunch 2-3 times a week which also has the added benefit of not going out for lunch. I also take one evening for myself and do a spin class right after work, which is a massive calorie burner and also means I can miss a lot of traffic headed home so the net time effect is really only about a half hour. If you need another friend feel free to add me.
  • ken1994
    ken1994 Posts: 495 Member
    I don't think you are alone, it has been very difficult to maintain a god healthy balance since becoming a dad. To make sure the rest of my schedule, i.e.-work, time with kids, etc... don't suffer Iget up at 4:30-5:00am and get my workouts in. Other than that stay with the plan, keep logging and make sure that you are taking care of yourself!