
I'm doing the recommended 1200 cal. a day to loose weight. I'm only on day two but between breakfast and lunch I got super shaky. Anyone else experience this?


  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Might be your blood sugar. I get pale, sweaty and i shake it my blood sugar gets too low. happens when I don't eat enough.

    If that's what's going on you need toe at more. MFP starting you at 1200 doesnt' mean it's the right amount of food for you.

    Or if you are getting enough food, you may not be getting enough nourishment from the food.

    Try increasing calories or nutritional content of food (more protein enriched foods, less sugar, less carbs, more whole raw foods etc..)
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Figure out your BMR and your TDEE (lots of online calculators available) then eat somewhere between. 1200 calories may not be enough for your to start with but since this is only day 2 I don't think the calorie restriction is playing any havoc with anything other than your mind.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Depends on whether 1200 calories is enough to fuel your body. It also depends on what you ate to get those calories. If it was all chocolate chip cookies you might be getting calories but will be missing a lot of important vitamins and minerals. ;)

    I get the same "shaky" thing (and it progresses into weak/dizzy) and it's if I don't eat enough carbs. Eat something and see if it helps. If so, you might want to adjust your calorie goal so you can eat enough to not feel deprived/starving, otherwise you aren't going to be able to keep eating this way forever.
  • staciarose13
    staciarose13 Posts: 51 Member
    I am the exact same way. I've always been like that if I don't eat enough protein, but now my diet is full of protein. I've even started eating more food, more healthy, and more times a day and it's still happening. Plus I feel so hungry in between snacks, even tho I eat every couple hours. It's very frustrating! I'm really hoping it's because my metabolism is speeding up, but I am thinking that's probably not it. haha.
  • mamaof4beauties
    mamaof4beauties Posts: 5 Member
    Well I started eating an egg for breakfast instead of carbs and that seemed to help. I also cut way down on coffee and drank a lot more water. I was having one cup every morning but now I'll drink half cup or green tea and honey instead. These things took care of the shakes.
    Every body is different so if you have the shakes I'd just recommend experimenting with different foods that work well with you. And drink lots more water to flush out the toxins. Burning fat releases all your toxins since they're stored there so water really is essential to flushing those toxins out.