Nervous but here I go.....



  • jencjeffery
    jencjeffery Posts: 99 Member
    The sharing is the most important part. You will find so much support on here. Add me as a friend if you like.
  • suzy1220
    suzy1220 Posts: 118 Member
    I'm not a huge sharer either but it's so much easier to do it in writing than face to face in a room full of strangers. Even though I have only been on MFP for about 3 weeks I don't know how I lived without it. I absolutely love it and find that even if I don't post a ton I do like to read what others have said and take their advice. You don't have to share your life story for this site to work for you. Share only what you are comfortable with.

    Good luck on your journey!
  • gparks
    gparks Posts: 56 Member
    Good Luck
  • Welcome, & good luck!!! I have been on this site for 3 months & it's GREAT!!!! Feel free to add me..:flowerforyou: And we can continue are journey together.
  • My advice:

    This group is great for support and for logging stuff in.
    DO NOT follow the calorie limit MFP posts for you. There are forums that tell you how to calculate this correctly.

    Best wishes!
  • sofulnaturalee
    sofulnaturalee Posts: 391 Member
    Welcome luv!!!!!!!!!! You can do it. Nothing beats a failure but a TRY! There are lots of positive motivating people on here. :smile:
  • kg047
    kg047 Posts: 95 Member
    Do not be afraid.
  • Welcome! I am also like you and actually joined about a year ago but started using the app/website August 2012. It has made me super accountable about everything I eat, so even if I do decide to eat that delicious piece of cake I am aware of how much I eat and make sure I log everything. I will send you a friend request. I am super excited for you to become a part of this community. Remember that we are all here for you and especially when you feel down and out about things. I hope you stick with this because it truly works. :)

    Thanks for sharing!
  • kg047
    kg047 Posts: 95 Member
    Feel free to add me. You can do it!
  • blood6338
    blood6338 Posts: 90 Member
    Welcome to MFP. I wish you the very best in your journey. haven't failed as long as you don't quit trying.
  • drusilla126
    drusilla126 Posts: 478 Member
    Good luck! We're all here with you. If you want some tips and tricks or motivation you can check out my Facebook page
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    getting a good support system here is an awesome way of not giving up. i know my friends on here are 80% of why i come back everyday :)
  • Coltsman4ever
    Coltsman4ever Posts: 602 Member
    The best way to be successful at this is to always step out of your comfort zone. Push yourself to places you wouldn't normally go. That is where success comes from and you already took the first step by posting here.
  • healthfulnow
    healthfulnow Posts: 245 Member
    Hi! I just started this month too. I am about your age. I lost over 40 lbs. on another program and signed on to MFP to lose the last 10 and MAINTAIN it. I would love to be an encourager to you. Please feel free to add me.
  • linbert57
    linbert57 Posts: 154 Member
    Welcome!! I joined on New Year's Eve and am so glad I did! I'm sure you will find much help and support here. Feel free to add me if you'd like. Best of luck on your journey - I'm sure you'll be here awhile :)
  • gianamicole
    gianamicole Posts: 39 Member
    Good luck to you, anyone can feel free to add me :)
  • audbod63
    audbod63 Posts: 15 Member
    You will love this site my friend! :heart:
  • caitlyn30
    caitlyn30 Posts: 207 Member
    even if you are not a sharer, just opening up and reading the success stories is motivation!
  • SimpleChristy
    SimpleChristy Posts: 4 Member
    Welcome. I've used this site (an the ap) on an off for quite some time now. I just started reading the boards and trying to participate.
    The great piece of advice I heard was not to think of eating healthy as "Cutting things from your diet". Rather, to think of it as "Adding things to your diet". Since I'm trying to eat (and cook) with more foods in their natural state... I bought a nice tiered hanging fruit/veg basket and filled it with bananas, mandarins, onions, shallots, etc... It looks so pretty and it keeps healthy snacks/ingredients in reach.

    I also try to use MFP as a way to recognize my victories, no matter how small. I've lost 4 pounds in the 20 days that I've been aggressively tracking my intake. But more importantly it reminds me that I'm working out more, meeting my calorie goals almost every day, and exceeding my fiber intake many days. I'm "flying high" today since I'm seeing results and experiencing increased energy, but its good to know that the folks on the boards are here if/when I hit a plateau.
  • cassig13
    cassig13 Posts: 78 Member
    i started yesterday my cousin told me about the website i usually give up on things as well so im really trying hard to stick with this but i usually give up because i dont have any one to keep me motivated.