how many days do you workout?



  • shariguymon
    shariguymon Posts: 245 Member
    I do yoga 3 days a week. I do cardio at the fitness center 3-5 days a week in an interval training pattern. Example: treadmill at 4mph with 6mph bursts. I am working at increasing my burst times and intensity. Sometimes I work on my elliptical at home. I generally go as fast as I can for a minute at a time, and then slow down to a moderate pace for 30 seconds. I like to get in 30 minutes of this type of training. I do my weight training as others mentioned: upper body one day, lower body the next, so I can have recovery time. I've been trying one set of 10, increase weight by ten lbs, do as many as I can up to 10reps, increase weight..... etc Until I can't do any more. I like to throw in variety whenever I can, maybe dancing, Ti Chi, pilates, etc. I also vary my pattern for weight training, and sometimes do endurance where I do as many reps as I can at a good weight (one where I can do up to 30 reps) and push to muscle failure, without increasing the weight. It's always good to vary your exercise to keep your body guessing. Of course I do warm ups, cool downs, stretching and massage to keep the muscles where they will respond well. Some of these things I'm just starting to incorporate into my workouts, so I can increase my metabolism. I've read that it isn't necessary to spend lots of hours working out, it you work on increasing intensity and use the methods I'm learning and mentioned.

    Take care everyone,
    and be sure to put more motion in your lives every chance you get! It's fun!!!!!!