I Need Help From P90x Users

mylittlescreamer Posts: 30
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Is P90X right for me? Does it work? I probably won’t be able to do the tape everyday since my schedule is busy. Should I buy it?
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  • I'm a Beachbody Coach. I've done P90x as well as other workout programs from Beachbody. Go to my website and maybe check out the ChaleanX program. It is only 5 days a week and it is an excellent program as well but the workouts are shorter.
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    not sure if it is right for you or not.....but I was not a "FIT" person by any means. A little overweight. I played with the gym alittle doing cardio (treadmill/elliptical) 2-3 days a week and somewhat lifted a little weights 2 days a week (the machines that I knew how to work) I did not lose much weight. I ordered P90x and did the fit test (they say p90x is for FIT ppl) well I didnt fully pass the fit test. I could not do pullups or push ups. BUT I started it anyway.....I am now going on week 7 and LOVE IT! I have lost 10 lbs in 6 wks, which I thought was not alot, but I am not overweight now! I want to lose 10 more in my next 6 wks and then I will do it for maintenance! It is a time committment, atleast 1 hr a day/ 6 days a week. You will need pull up bars or resistance band, and dumbells. Yoga mat is optional.
    I feel GREAT, more energy than I have ever had. I am getting stronger and body parts are getting toned! I can now do pushups!! : )
    I would recommend p90x!
  • jsablack
    jsablack Posts: 2
    I'm a P90X grad and in retrospect, I wish that Chalean had been available before I did it. I think Chalean is a great way to prepare for P90X and ultimately be more successful.
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