100 lbs to lose. Seems so far!



  • Talus731
    Talus731 Posts: 56 Member
    You can do it! I use mini goals to help me, this time around my mini goal is 6 lbs, I have 1 more to go, til I roll the dice and see what my next goal is. Its always between 2 and 12. Find something that works for you. Add me, and we can help each other!
  • cubbies77
    cubbies77 Posts: 607 Member
    Definitely break it into smaller goals. If I hadn't done that, I'd probably go crazy looking at that huge number. When you think about your mortgage or car payment or something else, do you think, "OMG I have to pay $78,000 to pay it off," or do you think, "I have to pay $237/month." Thinking of it in smaller terms is so much easier on your brain. Trust me.

    Here are some of my mini-goal examples:

    347 - 10 pounds lost

    331 - 25 pounds lost

    325 - safely under the Wii Fit weight limit (330)

    314 - my weight when I met my boyfriend

    309 - BMI under 50

    307 - 50 pounds lost

    Every time you hit one, you can focus on the next one. It's fun to think, "Okay. I can get to X in a few weeks." Then, when you hit that, you can think, "Oh, I have to get to X. That's right around the corner."

    I promise you that once you get into the habit of logging and exercising, you barely even think about it that much anymore. I don't even remember going from 342 to 318 because it felt like it happened so fast. It was actually just life flying by at its usual pace, and since logging and exercising is part of life now, my weight "flew" off right along with it. I never thought I'd get this far when I started, and now I'm confident I can get to my goal weight. I might not get there in a year or two years, but I'll get there. :)