Any Vegans/Vegetarians??

I am looking for Vegan/Vegetarians to add on to my friends list for food support :)

I am wondering how many there will be!


  • Steverino1955
    I'm not vegan now but have been in the past. About 70% of my diet is raw vegan, mostly smoothies and raw bars.
  • LJSmith1989
    Hey, Raw sounds to plain! hows it going?
  • amandacowan1978
    amandacowan1978 Posts: 50 Member
    I'm a brand-spanking new vegetarian. Going on a week with no meat. Working on cutting back on dairy and cheese as well (trying to limit those calories to around 5-7% of my intake. I would LOVE some support on this!
  • Sproutlady135
    Hey, I'm a raw vegan since Jan 1st. I used to be raw vegan in 2010. I attended the Hippocrates Health Institute for 3 weeks and learned so much about nutrition. I'll be happy to be your pal.
  • FHART626
    I am not a vegan or vegetarian, but *MOST* of my diet is.
    I recommend checking out for some good foods:)
  • Sproutlady135
    Another suggestion is to go to and find a local meetup vegan/vegetarian group to join. I just joined a raw food meetup and met a bunch of really nice people. We get together every month.
  • bethanykf
    I'm vegetarian since October 2012. :)
  • chch_vegan
    I am vegan and would love support and to give support. Due to a condition and quitting smoking last may I have gained 19.5 kg (43pounds) I have lost a lot of confidence because of this.
  • Sproutlady135
    Amanda, Hi. I'll be happy to support you. If you would like to cut something out of your diet, don't buy it or have it in the house. If you took a peek into my refrigerator right now, there are only bags of veggies and washed greens, garlic, ginger etc. I have a juicer and I make a batch of green drink everyday. I put a lot of garlic in it. Today, I am eating to live instead of living to eat.
    Endorse yourself for making a courageous and wise decision in support of your health and well-being.
  • freckles_cmj
    freckles_cmj Posts: 205 Member
    Vegetarian since 2008, vegan since october. always glad to meet other veggie people :)
  • HazelChase
    HazelChase Posts: 12 Member
    I've been vegetarian since 2001...almost 12 years now. Gradually going vegan; almost there! My hope is to ultimately go raw vegan! I would love some more vegetarian/vegan friends!
  • jessa271
    I've been a lacto-ovo vegetarian for 26 years. I think vegetarians have an easier time staying under the fat and calorie limits!
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    :smile: for the most part
  • Pangui
    Pangui Posts: 373 Member
    Whole food plant-based no oil type vegan here. Since starting this way of eating, I have lost over 100 pounds and I love my food now more than I ever did eating the Standard American Diet.

    If you are looking for supportive friends on MFP, add me.

    Lori Lynn
  • theplatypus
    Been vegetarian for over 5 months now and love it. Not very long, but everyone has to start somewhere, right? Right now I'm transitioning into veganism and not regretting it!
  • GG70
    GG70 Posts: 232 Member
    I am a lacto-ovo vegetarian.. and have been for 20 years. You can def add me for support if you wish.. :)
  • 70moretogo
    I recently made the transition to Vegan. I thought I would feel deprived but I feel great. It wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be. I live in a smaller city right now (moving as soon as possible from the beach to the big city yeah) so finding other vegans to share recipes and support with is very difficult. So anyone interested in exchanging thoughts and recipes please let me know.
  • carlosdon
    carlosdon Posts: 125
    veggie all the way! i'd be vegan but theres too many things with dairy in I love and I get alot of my veggie protein needs from cottage cheese and greek yoghurt.
  • RadVanessa
    Hey everyone,

    I'm participating in a 28 Day Vegan challenge with a few friends @ my local Whole Foods! Can anyone recommend some vegan websites, with recipes? I'm a huge fan of, I've been following her site for years and discovered the Green Monster thanks to her! :) I also love since she has a section for vegan/vegetarian dishes. I made this recipe for dinner last night and it was amazing:

    Anyway, any suggestions are appreciated! Thanks guys!
  • rlmiller73190
    rlmiller73190 Posts: 342 Member
    vegetarian here :) 4 years next month :)