re-introducing... me!

Hi everyone. I was on this site back in 2009 and did quite well, dropping 24 lbs over 3 months. Well now I'm back, weighing too much again after what have been a roller-coaster of a few years (especially financially). But the season is very good for me for now, so it's time to focus on dropping my weight. I was influenced in December by a book called "Wheat Belly" and have decided to swear off (or at maybe) Wheat and corn syrup for this year. It's actually quite challanging. My go for now is to drop to about 200 lbs from 262 and fit in some nice 36 jeans. Along with all the other benefits of not lugging 75+ lbs of fat around with me. Difficulty: I love to eat and be lazy. This will be a changing year for me in so many ways! Anywho, lets do this!