less than 9 months to go!


My Name is Gina, im 22 and.. Im somewhat new to all this, have been using MFP properly for the past 2 weeks and lost 12lbs so far..

I am getting wed on 7th september 2013.. and to be fair i dont want to be waddling down the isle.

Background story:

Im 5ft3", currently 220lbs and my goal is 140lbs. I have never been thin! always referred to as 'the bubbyly one' - to be honest.. thats just a nice way of saying your chunky lol.

Anyway, i usually tend to loose a couple of stone, and then somehow manage to sabotage it all, and end up back where i have started. I am a very fussy eater, but am starting to try new foods (this is a massive thing).

I would love any ones help and support to spur me on... wedding pictures will last a life time... and i want them to be ones i can cherish looking fab lol.


  • emilyc85
    emilyc85 Posts: 450 Member
    You can add me if you want, but as you may have noticed, I started my diet it too late and was a fat bride ;D
  • CJpgh
    CJpgh Posts: 52
    Keep up the good work. Add me for support or questions!