Need new dinner ideas for two...

AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
Hi! My husband and I are both young (22)... I am slowly learning how to by a good cook but right now during the week I am into simple. My husband just got a new job which means he is home more at night (Yea) but I have to make dinner now rather than cereal I used to eat for just me. I feel like we are stuck in a rut. Any easy, quick (30 minutes or less), healthy meal ideas for two?

Right now we eat:
english muffin pizzas
grilled cheese
some form of easy pasta with marinra sauce
chicken stir-fry



  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    Easy ones:

    Boneless pork loin chops (just add salt, pepper, garlic powder- bake and enjoy!)
    Do the same thing with chicken breast

    Try your stir fry with lean beef or pork instead (use a non-stick pan and cooking spray instead of oil)

    Get a George Foreman grill and make fish (YUM!)

    We like Hamburgers here, made with 92% lean beef (medium rare, so they don't get dry) served on "light" high fiber rolls and topped with lots of pickles, lettuce, tomato, maybe a slice of lowfat cheese - sometimes a greek version with feta, pepperoncini slices and fresh spinach - use your imagination! You could even skip the bun if you like and serve it right on the plate (with cooked mushrooms and onions - and maybe some gravy too!) Jarred/canned gravy may be high in sodium but is generally fat free and low cal.

    Sometimes we'll bake "fries" to go with the burgers - by cutting potatoes into wedges and coating with cooking spray, then doing a shake 'n bake type thing with seasonings such as parmesan, garlic, pepper, maybe an italian blend - then bake them in the oven til they're crisp on the outside.

    Everything Salad.... exactly what it sounds like. A base leaf salad (romaine or spring mix) with whatever you want on it - chose from avocado, grape tomatoes, cucumber, pepperoncini or any jarred pickled veggie (we love gardeniera!), chick peas, green peas, green pepper, onion, hard boiled eggs, center cut bacon, diced chicken breast or ham, feta cheese, low fat/fat free shredded cheddar, sliced zucchini, or ANY vegetable! Use minimal dressing - I like to use balsamic vinegar, or the juice from my pickled veggies or olives to flavor my salad. Then I'll just use a Tablespoon of something like Kraft 3-cheese light ranch dressing for the creaminess.

    Another easy healthy idea is breakfast for dinner... Ham/Egg or egg-beater/low fat cheese sandwiches on light English muffins or Sandwich thins - or omelets full of veggies with whole grain toast, etc.
  • LostTeen
    LostTeen Posts: 110
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    My husband and I make this awesome "taco" salad with everything you'd put in a taco or burrito in a bowl with some lettuce!! chicken, beef, salsa, fat free shredded cheese, olives, jalapenos, tomatoes, beans... and it doesn't need any kind of dressing because it has so much flavor!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    thanks! these sound really yummy!
  • derrysue
    derrysue Posts: 10
    Coat a non-stick skillet with olive oil spray, brown up some garlic & onions (chopped). ((I do cheat & use a little omega 2 butter)) Throw in either scallops, chicken or shrimp & a little chicken broth. Let it reduce down, allowing your protein to cook. Toss in a little of your favorite cheese, my girls love parmesan. Throw it on some noodles & viola, scampi!!
  • McFatterton
    McFatterton Posts: 1,358 Member
    Do you have a crock-pot? One of my husband's favorites that I make for him (I'm a vegetarian) is to throw chicken breasts into the crockpot with sliced onions, green peppers and tomatoes with a jar of salsa. Let it cook on low all day, shred the chicken and eat it in a tortilla, on a salad or with tortilla chips.

    Crock-pots are the BEST for quick meals - they're ready when you get home.
  • epoeraven
    epoeraven Posts: 458 Member
    This is one of my favorites. I make twice the amount so that I have dinner for another night too. I also put Mrs Dash's new Chili Lime spice on top instead of salt and pepper - soooo good.
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    We like to have breakfast for dinner once a week...sometimes more :blushing: Waffles, pancakes, oatmeal, omelets, etc... whatever you like. If you're into breakfast foods, I just discovered a new website called - it has a ton of awesome recipes:love:
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    I find that if I cook more on the weekends - I can use "leftovers" for dinners through the weeks... for instance...
    Saturday - pork roast/red potatos/green beans - make extra of everything
    Sunday - Baked Chicken Breasts (use seasonings of your choice)/brown rice/steamed broccoli (Make extra chicken breasts - remember a serving is about 1/2 a breast, and extra brown rice)
    Monday - throw remaining pork in crockpot with bbq sauce - Dinner is Pulled Pork sandwiches, serve with a salad and steamed zucchini
    Tuesday - Throw remaining chicken breast in crockpot with salsa. Serve over brown rice with some lowfat sour cream and a sprinkle of cheese and a salad
    Wednesday - breakfast for dinner - omelets, ham and eggs, etc,
    Thursday - SOUP - take any remaining pork, chicken and veggies - throw them in the crockpot with a couple cans of tomatos, low sodium broth and some spices.
    Friday - we generally eat out (well planned) or we make our own pizzas - I like to make mine on a tortilla.
  • LaraeTX
    LaraeTX Posts: 672 Member
    Options has excellent recipes that i use almost every day!
  • KaitieBug
    KaitieBug Posts: 559 Member
    I swear by!! Check out the Shepherd's Pie V recipe, IT'S YUMMY, healthy, and easy-peasy!:bigsmile:

    one that's even easier and is one of me and my hubby's favorites: lemon pepper chicken. :love: it pairs well with anything. we thaw 2 chicken breasts, cover them with lemon pepper, garlic powder, and onion salt (or onion powder and garlic salt, whatever you have!) and throw 'em on the george foreman grill for about 7ish minutes. less that 200 calories/serving, and very yummy!! it's under gina's lemon pepper chicken on all recipes. usually have trader joe's jasmine rice (3 min in the microwave) and frozen mixed veggies, or corn, or taters, whatever! :love:
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Thanks everyone! These have been very helpful. There are a few I am going to try this week!
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    Haha you and your husband eat the same things as me and my boyfriend! These are great suggestions! Bump!