Energy while taking anti-depressants-workingout?

I have NO energy to workout! NONE! But I NEED to! I am taking a few meds, one being an anti-depressant and the other for migraines (This one has a bad side effect of fatigue which I am getting right now bad because my Dr just upped my dose). I am a single mom of 2 kids, working 50 hours a week and going to school as well along with a lot of personal issues that are causing me a lot of anxiety right now. Does anybody have any suggestions of finding natural ways of getting their energy back or vitamins or supplements that helped them? I really need to be ME again and get my energy back until my life gets somewhat back in order and God only knows when that will happen. But I need a good push. Thanks everyone! I appreciate it!


  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    I have an idea of what you're saying. My doctor recommended I take Super B Complex vitamins... 2 tablets twice a day. It seemed to help a little with the energy and I even felt a bit better. My doc called it nature's anti-depressant, lol.

    Good luck to you!
  • Ralstonk2
    Ralstonk2 Posts: 345 Member
    I have an idea of what you're saying. My doctor recommended I take Super B Complex vitamins... 2 tablets twice a day. It seemed to help a little with the energy and I even felt a bit better. My doc called it nature's anti-depressant, lol.

    Good luck to you!

    Thanks! I'll look into that! Thanks for responding! I'll take anything to help!
  • Ralstonk2
    Ralstonk2 Posts: 345 Member
    BUMP Anyone else??? TIA
  • Debbiedebbiey
    Debbiedebbiey Posts: 824 Member
    I know for me, eating unprocessed clean whole foods helps huge, though u sound super busy and its not convienient to do ..dancing to some music from happier days ( helps bring happy thoughts, relieves stress for me). I actually went off my anti depressants by doing this & my energy levels are back to normal again..thank goodness, and laying off sugar helps me too, I know when I eat it I'm going to be grumpy as heck & feel crappy all afternoon, ( tho sometimes I still do it & just pay for it). Are u taking topomax for migranes by chance ? Good luck.
  • stephgas
    stephgas Posts: 159 Member
    be sure to check with dr/pharmacist about taking any supplements with medications you are currently on. many antidepressant/antipsychotic/antianxiety medications can have negative interactions with vitamins/herbal supps. one of my medications was causing fatigue during the day. when i started taking it at night, it got much better. i find that staying hydrated seems to make me feel less fatigued during the day as well.
  • Babeskeez
    Babeskeez Posts: 606 Member
    Disclaimer: What I am saying doesnt work for everyone and I am not advocating anything so....

    I weaned myself off mine starting around Christmas. Didn't want to be dependent on them the rest of my life. Here is what I take in place of my meds: St Johns Wort, Omega 3, Biotin (for hair and nails), Valerian root (more at night, it has a calming effect) and a multi-vitamin. This is all coupled with eating better and exercising. All of which I never did before.

    I feel lots better to be honest.
  • msracefan
    msracefan Posts: 55 Member
    I started going off my anit-depressants last January (with my Doctors help) and did well until about September. I wanted to go off them totally, but when I got to a particular lower dosage, it made me really sick. So, now I'm back up to a much higher dosage and have very little energy. A few years ago I was taking prescription Vitamin D (I live in PA and the sun rarely shines in the winter) so I'm going to ask my Doctor the next time I see her about taking it again. They did help!
  • boerke33
    boerke33 Posts: 6 Member
    I take those gummy Vitamin B's sometimes too - they help boost up some energy.
  • Hey, it's so hard especially being a working mother but we just have to kick our own butts! I am in a similar situation and I always find that the thought of exercises is more draining than actually doing it - and anti depressants don't help at all as you know - once you get started it's not so bad. :) I use Jillian Michael's dvd's...they're only 20 minutes and make a huge difference and I find I'm more energised and my mood is lifted afterwards.

    It's not easy but we just have to keep ourselves going, you are doing an amazing job and I think you look fab!
  • Can you find someone to be your workout motivation partner? Sometimes somone there saying "come-on lets move" helps get you moving.

    I am about to start taking a different med for migraines and I am dreading it because the new one is more likely to cause fatigue (but also more likely to help with migraines).

    In general though, I can imaginee if you have two kids, work FT, and go to school you are exhausted. Not sure the age of your kids but there are lots of good activities you can do with kids that are good exercise (biking, hiking, touch football, planking with a toddler on you back, etc)
  • Ralstonk2
    Ralstonk2 Posts: 345 Member
    I know for me, eating unprocessed clean whole foods helps huge, though u sound super busy and its not convienient to do ..dancing to some music from happier days ( helps bring happy thoughts, relieves stress for me). I actually went off my anti depressants by doing this & my energy levels are back to normal again..thank goodness, and laying off sugar helps me too, I know when I eat it I'm going to be grumpy as heck & feel crappy all afternoon, ( tho sometimes I still do it & just pay for it). Are u taking topomax for migranes by chance ? Good luck.

    Yes, I am taking topomax for my migraines at night. It just got upped from 50mg to 100mg and so now I'm having all the side effects all over again. Which sucks! LOL

    I also take Wellbutrin, and my Dr told me not to take St. John's Wort with it. But he's slowly trying to get me down off those meds, took me from 300mg to 150mg just within the past month. So I'd like to get off of those. I used to take a lot of vitamins and thinking I need to start taking them again. I was taking things like B, B12, D3, Iron, B stress, and something else but can't remember. LOL

    And I have lots of Jillian's workout video's and I have a treadmill at home and some free weights so I have lots to go off of just no energy! And thanks for saying I look fab! :-) I know once I get in a routine of working out I will probably feel better but I just need to get there! Thanks everyone!
  • Willkathmum
    Willkathmum Posts: 62 Member
    Hi, I found my energy came back a bit once I lowered my dose of ADs which is not surprising really because one of the reasons I was prescribed the particular ones is because they had a sedating effect. I can appreciate it must be hard to fit the exercise in, i second Jillian Michaels or going on the treadmill or perhaps if you do something you enjoy it may be something positive to look forward to. I think you also need to be kind to yourself and be realistic about what you can fit in at the moment.
  • I am exhausted reading your list of activities. My advise would be, be gentle with yourself. Your fatigue may be from all the responsibilities you have. Are you sleeping well?
    What about swimming? Treat yourself at night with some gentle stretching and a hot bath. Get rid of sugar and processed carbs and caffeine. Take lots of Vit D and B12. I know exercise helps boost energy but it can be overload with all you are trying to do.
  • elainecroft
    elainecroft Posts: 595 Member
    I know this isn't what you want to hear -but I find I have more energy when I stick to a workout schedule. So by making yourself do it, you will have more energy to make yourself do it, wash, rinse, repeat. Good luck!
  • SuffolkSally
    SuffolkSally Posts: 964 Member
    I take vitamins B12 and D3 - they're supposed to help with depression. I also take Omega 3,6, and 9. Eating well's important, and exercise is a huge factor. I also take anti-depressants, and anticipate doing this long term - I've just recently upped the dose and I'm feeling better, largely because I'm sleeping better. Good luck...
  • _AllieCat_
    _AllieCat_ Posts: 515 Member
    I take SAM-e in addition to a daily dose of B-vitamins and vitamin D3. All supplements are over the counter and have given me no side effects other than greatly reducing my anxiety levels and making me think more clearly. I highly recommend trying the more natural route if the prescriptions aren't working well with your body.
  • Bobtheangrytomato
    Bobtheangrytomato Posts: 251 Member
    I'm also in the no energy due to meds boat. I'm hoping my dr can think of something to help. I thought Wellbutrin gives you more energy?
  • sarah6336
    sarah6336 Posts: 108 Member
    Have you thought of trying to make your life lower stress? It sounds like you are packing a lot in a day. I think if you can manage to get 8-9 hrs of sleep & eat a well balanced diet, you'll feel ok.
  • LivingEuphoria
    LivingEuphoria Posts: 9 Member
    I take Rhodiola and it is one of my favorite supplements for energy.