Too few calories



  • Lilith5
    Lilith5 Posts: 99 Member
    That's my problem I can't eat breakfast to early. earliest I can eat at a push is 10am, otherwise it makes me ill. But most days I'm satisfied with no breakfast, then I have a small lunch and have dinner and maybe a snack. There are days when I can go with eating just 1 meal but I don't eat unless I need to. My past problem with eating is I over-eat and I don't want to fall back into that bad habit. So unless I'm hungry I leave it.
  • akaMrsmojo
    akaMrsmojo Posts: 762 Member
    Let me get this straight...


    1. I eat too little.
    2. I could eat more.
    3. What should I do?!?!


    Do you REALLY need someone to help you out here?

    I never said I eat too little, just don't take in enough calories.
    By "I could eat more" I mean I'm not stuffed which is how I got myself into this mess. I always over ate so now I always try to stop before I'm actually full and it works. My basic question is, if I'm satisfied, hunger wise, with what I'm eating, do I need to eat more just because I'm below the 1200 calorie mark?
