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True or False



  • crazytreelady
    crazytreelady Posts: 752 Member
    Indeed I do

    Next person thinks a zombie apocalypse will happen while they are still alive.
  • rush0321
    rush0321 Posts: 120 Member
    Indeed I do

    Next person thinks a zombie apocalypse will happen while they are still alive.

    VERY TRUE !! That is why I have a Zombie outbreak response team decal on my JEEP!! ;) lol

    Next person loves oatmeal cookies!!!
  • weightedfootsteps
    weightedfootsteps Posts: 4,349 Member
    Oatmeal Cookies are yummy

    Next person sleeps in the buff
  • PapaverSomniferum
    PapaverSomniferum Posts: 2,670 Member
    true. i'm in the buff right now, in fact.

    the next person isn't wearing pants, either
  • sissiluv
    sissiluv Posts: 2,205 Member
    @Papaver: False~ I'm loving my sweats right now.

    Next person isn't wearing a bra? : o
  • weightedfootsteps
    weightedfootsteps Posts: 4,349 Member
    True...getting ready for bed

    Next person dreams a lot
  • rush0321
    rush0321 Posts: 120 Member
    Very true!!

    Next person cannot wait for the work week to start tomorrow lol!
  • PapaverSomniferum
    PapaverSomniferum Posts: 2,670 Member

    the next person likes chocolate
  • weightedfootsteps
    weightedfootsteps Posts: 4,349 Member
    @ Rush- why'd you have to remind me?
    @ Papver- Yes!!!

    Next person has dipped chips in chocolate ( I only did this when I was preggo)
  • aross001
    aross001 Posts: 237
    false! but I'm gonna try that now...

    next person has glasses
  • JO4IT
    JO4IT Posts: 79 Member

    next person has glasses

    True, but it's not true that men never make passes...

    next person hardly ever makes his/her bed
  • milf_n_cookies
    milf_n_cookies Posts: 2,244 Member
    true! I never make the bed, ever.

    The next person has green eyes.......
  • weightedfootsteps
    weightedfootsteps Posts: 4,349 Member

    Next person hates makeup
  • lstewart_3
    lstewart_3 Posts: 807 Member
    ...on me...true

    next person: likes hockey?
  • aross001
    aross001 Posts: 237

    next person likes spam
  • JO4IT
    JO4IT Posts: 79 Member

    next person likes spam

    True to the edible kind....false to the kind in my email

    The next person lets his/her dog sleep in bed with them
  • milf_n_cookies
    milf_n_cookies Posts: 2,244 Member
    true, my pitbull sleeps at my feet!

    The next person wears ladys underwear?
  • weightedfootsteps
    weightedfootsteps Posts: 4,349 Member

    Next person hates tofu
  • gitanagirl
    gitanagirl Posts: 207 Member
    True! :) the Next person likes Mustangs
  • Mrder37
    Mrder37 Posts: 904
    False I love tofu I have all their albums