
How do you do Atkins correctly?


  • bymyslf892
    bymyslf892 Posts: 114 Member
    They give a detailed way of doing the diet. You can also sign up on the website to be able to browse through a little more thoroughly.
  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member
    You need a shovel and a very, very open mind.
  • LOL what do you mean a shovel? Like you need to eat a crap ton of food in order for it to work? Because that's the problem I'm having. I've read that you need to eat at least as a woman 1500-1800 cal a day and most of those cals need to be from meat and fat. I'm having a hard time getting to 1000 cals a day.
  • purple_tux1
    purple_tux1 Posts: 250 Member
    Buy the latest book.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    How do you do Atkins correctly?

    Go to for all 4 phases, food lists, recipes, etc.

    I wouldn't buy the newest book. Go to Amazon or Ebay and purchase Dr Atkins 2002 edition. He focuses on eating REAL FOOD, not the processed crap.

    Essentially Atkins is a lifestyle change that begins with Phase 1 being an elimination plan.

    Phase 1 you eat fat, protein and vegetables, this is 2 week induction

    Phase 2 you continue eating fat, protein and vegetables from the list. You can start raising your carb limit 5 grams of carbs per week and start adding back in foods one at a time going according to the carb ladder.

    Phase 3 is pre-maintenance, you start working on finding your carb level for losing, maintaining and where you gain.

    Phase 4 is life time maintenance - that speaks for itself as you are living your lifestyle change.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    You need a shovel and a very, very open mind.

    Why do you bother to post on topics you are contributing nothing constructive too? This makes no sense to me.
  • josiereside
    josiereside Posts: 720 Member
    before you try atkins, ask yourself if you really want to eliminate a food group? maybe atkins is not as strict as it was when it first came out and got better about going towards healthy fats, but wouldn't you rather eat a well rounded diet and not cut something out. You can still do a lower carb diet without the strictness of atkins....
    I have tried every plan out there, but what I want to work for me is being to able to eat healthy foods from all food groups.
  • Loved this link. All kinds of low carb ideas. Thanks for sharing.
  • I've done phase 1 alreadyu. Dropped 15 lbs in 10 days. Lost steadily for a bout 3 weeks now I'm stuck. I've been reading. Seems like I need to increase my fat in my diet. This seems so crazy to me but thousands of people do it everyday right?
  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member
    I've done phase 1 alreadyu. Dropped 15 lbs in 10 days. Lost steadily for a bout 3 weeks now I'm stuck. I've been reading. Seems like I need to increase my fat in my diet. This seems so crazy to me but thousands of people do it everyday right?

    Yes, it's necessary. Think about it - with low fat and low carbs, your deficit is going to be big. Too big. Detrimentally big. So increase the fats to make a reasonable deficit. Just...
    ...don't go all "fats don't make you fat and calories don't count", like some low carbers do. :P
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    The only thing that bugs me about Dr Atkins' suggested diet plan of heavy fats and proteins concerns his autopsy report. He died of blunt trauma to his head after a very unfortunate fall.

    He was autopsied to see if he had suffered an attack which caused his fall.

    The doctors reported he had severe cardiac disease and was most likely going to need a heart bypass operation in the near future.

    This is what scares me about his diet -- he was a walking legacy of this program, and yet he was riddled with clogged veins.

    It's hard for me not to see the hypocrisy and irony in his situation.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    The only thing that bugs me about Dr Atkins' suggested diet plan of heavy fats and proteins concerns his autopsy report. He died of blunt trauma to his head after a very unfortunate fall.

    He was autopsied to see if he had suffered an attack which caused his fall.

    The doctors reported he had severe cardiac disease and was most likely going to need a heart bypass operation in the near future.

    This is what scares me about his diet -- he was a walking legacy of this program, and yet he was riddled with clogged veins.

    It's hard for me not to see the hypocrisy and irony in his situation.

    Excuse me, but you are still buying into media hype.

    Dr Atkins heart issues were NOT caused from his way of eating, it was MOST likely caused from a virus. He didn't have ANY blockages, so there was NO need for any bypass surgeries in the near future if he had survived that fall.

    His own Dr said he had an extraordinarily HEALTHY cardiovascular system.

    Please read below..........

    In 2000, Dr. Atkins developed cardiomyopathy, an incurable heart condition which has quite a few different causes. His was thought to be from a viral illness, and his physician stated at the time that there was no evidence that his diet contributed to the condition. His coronary arteries were reported to have been checked at that time and found to be free of blockages.
    Cardiomyopathy makes it more likely that a person will have a cardiac arrest (heart stopping), which happened to him two years later. Again, the cardiac arrest was not thought to be diet related.

    His cardiologist stated that (other than the cardiomyopathy), Atkins had "an extraordinarily healthy cardiovascular system". News report about that incident.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    before you try atkins, ask yourself if you really want to eliminate a food group? maybe atkins is not as strict as it was when it first came out and got better about going towards healthy fats, but wouldn't you rather eat a well rounded diet and not cut something out. You can still do a lower carb diet without the strictness of atkins....
    I have tried every plan out there, but what I want to work for me is being to able to eat healthy foods from all food groups.

    You not eliminating anything.................your still eating carbs, fats and proteins...........If you follow all phases, you will eventually be eating grains, dairy, legumes, all fruit and veggies as long as the body is tolerant.

    What people fail to understand is that Dr Atkins plan is designed as an elimination plan that then slowly re-incorporates all foods in at a very slow pace so a person can see if there are trigger foods or foods that don't agree with the body. This is how we find out if we have intolerances to certain foods or not.
  • josiereside
    josiereside Posts: 720 Member
    before you try atkins, ask yourself if you really want to eliminate a food group? maybe atkins is not as strict as it was when it first came out and got better about going towards healthy fats, but wouldn't you rather eat a well rounded diet and not cut something out. You can still do a lower carb diet without the strictness of atkins....
    I have tried every plan out there, but what I want to work for me is being to able to eat healthy foods from all food groups.

    You not eliminating anything.................your still eating carbs, fats and proteins...........If you follow all phases, you will eventually be eating grains, dairy, legumes, all fruit and veggies as long as the body is tolerant.

    What people fail to understand is that Dr Atkins plan is designed as an elimination plan that then slowly re-incorporates all foods in at a very slow pace so a person can see if there are trigger foods or foods that don't agree with the body. This is how we find out if we have intolerances to certain foods or not.

    Guess I never made it past phase 1...
  • Bakkasan
    Bakkasan Posts: 1,027 Member
    Try it, if it works for you, wonderful. If not, move on!

    For many of us it works amazingly well. No issues with energy for me except for the second-4th day, then it goes away.

    Ignore if anyone says it is X Y or Z. Those are your decisions to make, not theirs.
  • for breakfast i would eat 2 fried eggs with butter, 6 pieces of bacon, lunch 2 fried hambergers with cheese and bacon, and dinner 4 pork chops and whipped cream and jello for supper and sugar free chocolate. hummy
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    Well, I've just run my numbers on there and have been told to go direct to phase 3. :-S I might still do a week on induction to kickstart myself - is that a bad idea?
  • Controversial
    Controversial Posts: 157 Member
    Buy the latest book.

    Buy the ORIGINAL book.
  • ilovemybuggy
    ilovemybuggy Posts: 1,584 Member
    I'm doing atkins too, Just started my second week!