I'm looking for someone to blog with

I'm hoping to start a blog with some friends, all in various situations and lifestyles, but all trying to eat clean and unprocessed, etc. I have lots of options in my life, but I thought someone in college would be a great addition to my group. It's still in the very early stages of planning, but I realized that MFP would be a great place to find someone that fits that profile.

Doesn't matter what nutritional profile you are (vegan, veggie, Paleo, etc), or what major you are studying. Plus, I'm not concerned for male or female. Just someone who feels they could write about their experiences, share recipes, tips, just in general the life of a full time college student trying to balance healthy living with school. Edited to add - I'm not concerned with your location either. You don't need to live in the same town as I do. This isn't something where we need to get together or anything like that.

This is just a regular old blog thing, so we're not talking a paying gig here. But if you think you might be interested, feel free to shoot me over a message.

A little about me: I'm a mom, I have 3 girls and I've been married for 10 years. I've been on MFP since September and have lost 17lbs, am almost to my goal weight.

I recently gave up meat and am cutting way back on dairy.

Anyway, I look forward to hearing from anyone interested! Thanks! - Amanda