Over 50 with >50 lbs to lose, need support

Hi everyone. I've been using MFP for a little over 3 weeks and have lost 11 lbs. So far, I really like using MFP though and I'm trying to stay positive, which is sometimes hard, because I have a long ways to go (90 lbs) At my age (59) and poor health (hypertension, dish syndrome, arthritis, etc.) this is getting very old and each time is harder to get back on track and I feel like I don't have too many chances left to get this weight off and keep it off, so I would really like some enouragement and support. If you add me, I will do the same for you, but I feel like I need to say that I really like to try to keep it more postive and solution based. I have been on other support sites and have found that it was used more as a way to discuss failures and justify overeating. I know that falling down is a part of our struggle, but I would rather hear from people who are getting back up and continuing the fight. For me, it is a fight, and I welcome hearing from anyone, but am most interested in hearing from those who have a substanial amount of weight to lose and who have struggled with weight issues for some time. Thank you and good luck to you.


  • fire2heart
    fire2heart Posts: 5 Member
    I have found this site to be very supportive and positive with good suggestions. I hope you find it this way too! :)
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    Hi ladies, I know I am under 50. I am 33, and a mother of 3 boys. However, I've been told by my chiropractor, that I have the joints of a 60 year old! I have been fat all my life, and never really thought I would ever be skinny. Although I'm still in the process of losing, I have lost 60 pounds, and I am the thinnest I have ever been! The one thing that changed my life was zumba! It is so much fun, it doesn't even feel like exercise to me, because it's something I love! I've always loved dancing, just didn't have the moves, lol. If you have a curves by you, I would highly recommend it!!! I love curves! It is circuit training. You spend 30 seconds on each machine, with a 30 sec recovery, between each machine. I would start there. It's just a 30 minute workout. Do that for a week, and then you should be able to progress to zumba in the circuit. Start off with just 30 minutes of that. (it's usually 2 back to back, 30 min classes). If your joints are too bad for that, there is zumba gold, and aqua zumba. You can go to www.zumba.com to look up classes in your area. Another reason to try zumba, is that it burns ridiculous amount of calories, so you don't have to starve yourself to lose weight!!! I really hope that helps, and don't give up! You may fall of the wagon several times before you get the hang of it!!! It's hard to let go of old habits! :D