4 month plateau :( Any advice?



  • Cappicorn
    Cappicorn Posts: 83 Member
    I weigh 169lbs. I felt like I did several months of a full diet break as I wasn't counting my calories at all during October-December and basically ate whatever I wanted within reason.

    Here you go. The reason for your "plateau"?

    This. Plus, you indulge in fast food, then quit for a couple weeks and expect...? You still allow a cheat meal or TWO? if within your calories allowed?? Try increasing your exercise expenditure and eat a cleaner diet while increasing quality calories. One cheat meal per week is ok, One small cheat snack per day is ok too but try to keep under ~150 calories

    Good point.
  • AuntieKT
    AuntieKT Posts: 235 Member
    I would recommend cutting all of the processed food out of your diet. Though you are not currently tracking sodium, I imagine with what you've been eating, its probably more than the daily recommended amount, which doesn't help on the scale either. More fruits and vegetables. More lean protein. Eating this way will not only help you to start losing weight again, but it should also make you feel better as well!
  • Cappicorn
    Cappicorn Posts: 83 Member
    I would recommend cutting all of the processed food out of your diet. Though you are not currently tracking sodium, I imagine with what you've been eating, its probably more than the daily recommended amount, which doesn't help on the scale either. More fruits and vegetables. More lean protein. Eating this way will not only help you to start losing weight again, but it should also make you feel better as well!

    You know, I think I will track the sodium for awhile, see where that's sitting. Good suggestion!

    I really need to replace my typical lean michaelina's lunch as I know the carbs are tremendous in those things and I'm sure the sodium is terrible as well. They're just so convenient.

    Any suggestions for lunches, something quick and easy?
  • AuntieKT
    AuntieKT Posts: 235 Member
    I would recommend cutting all of the processed food out of your diet. Though you are not currently tracking sodium, I imagine with what you've been eating, its probably more than the daily recommended amount, which doesn't help on the scale either. More fruits and vegetables. More lean protein. Eating this way will not only help you to start losing weight again, but it should also make you feel better as well!

    You know, I think I will track the sodium for awhile, see where that's sitting. Good suggestion!

    I really need to replace my typical lean michaelina's lunch as I know the carbs are tremendous in those things and I'm sure the sodium is terrible as well. They're just so convenient.

    Any suggestions for lunches, something quick and easy?

    Soup is always pretty easy to bring and easy to make. What I do is cook up a bunch of protein for the whole week and then pair it with some vegetables. I buy the frozen steamer bags, but am careful to make sure that the only ingredient in them is the vegetable. That way I can buy a whole bunch of them at once and just take one out every day. Frozen are usually as good as fresh because they freeze them when they are at their peak nutritional content.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,404 MFP Moderator
    I didn't get to read everyones, but set your account to maintain and stop exercise for one to two weeks. Allow your hormones to regulate and your body to repair. After that, come back with a smaller deficit. Also, incorporate more protein into your diet. I like macro's around 35/40/25 c/p/f.
  • CarrieStL
    CarrieStL Posts: 162 Member
  • weloveourboys
    weloveourboys Posts: 133 Member
    Up your exercise intensity and duration if possible. But if you choose one, choose to up the intensity. I don't know what cardio you're doing for 30 min, but whatever it is you do, intersperse the workout with short bursts of hard effort. Example: if you usually run at a conversational pace for 30 min (a pace you can talk), instead, try a 10 min slow jog to warm up, then run 1 minute HARD, then walk for 1 minute - repeat 5 times, then do a 10 min jog to cooldown. This is just an example.

    I recommend eating at least 50% carbs if you up your workout. I would do 50% carbs, 25% protein, and 25% fats. Carbohydrate is not the enemy, especially if you up your cardio.
  • jcoco
    jcoco Posts: 143 Member
    Zig Zag your calories. Eat high one day, low the next, it helped me break a major plateau.
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    bake a bunch of sweet potatoes on the weekend to bring for lunch. if you can, they turn out better in the oven.
    1 hour around 375 degrees. works in a toaster oven too.

    check out the slow cooker thread in recipes. it's locked now, but should be able to find it. tons of super easy ideas.
    load it up before you go to bed, it doesn't get any easier :)

    you could also check out rachael ray's week in a day meals or something like that. cook a few meals on the weekend, and you have your lunches for the week.

    lots of people also suggest roasting a whole chicken, budget friendly, can be done super simple in the slow cooker or oven.
    tacos, chicken soup, chicken salad, stir fry.....

    make a big pot or crock pot of curry. so yummy, and if you're like me, you'll look forward to eating lunch!
    also really yummy wrapped in a tortilla or a leaf. lots of lentils, chickpeas, and veggies, go easy on the rice.

    for workouts, not sure how heavy you are lifting. i second trying to go heavier and plyo.
    love jump squats and lateral skates. those will take inches off your hips, well they did for me, once upon a time.


    Exercise #381 - Alternating Side Lunge (dumbbell)

    I can't find it, but I also want to suggest 1 leg elevated bridge.
    laying down with knees up, like you're about to do sit ups.
    lift the glutes, and lower them - basic bridge

    likely you're already able to do that
    make it harder- elevate both feet at least a few inches
    then proceed as before.

    elevate 1 foot 5 inches or more, other leg is straight up in the air
    then lift and lower the glutes. be prepared to be sore the next day :)