college weight gain

herky Posts: 68 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
HELP! When I graduated from high school in 2008 i was a 5'4" female weighing about 135. I was comfortable and happy at that weight. I made it through freshman year without gaining more than a few pounds, which wasn't great but i was okay with it. So now im in 2nd semester of sophomore year and i weigh 155. I knew i had gained more weight this year but i couldnt believe it when i looked at the scale yesterday. I work out about 3 days a week but i know i could improve. Classes are stressful and i work a part time job so whenever i have free time i would rather sit and snack then go work out. I make it 1 day eating healthy and then i break it....i want to drop this extra weight by the summer and just go back to my old self, but i cant keep myself motivated. Whenever i break my "lifestyle change" i get so mad at myself but i do it anyway. Oh and i forgot, most of my close friends have bad eating habits so its hard to stay healthy around them, but i am not going to drop them as friends just because of that. My roommate is tiny and always eats tons of junk food in our room, but she is in track so it doesn't affect her weight at all....

Can anyone help???? how can i avoid the stressful, bad eating habits while going to college??


  • bksteve26
    bksteve26 Posts: 216 Member
    I know exactly what you're going through. I was 5'4 135 when I graduated high school and when I left college I was 165. I am now in my second year of graduate school and am finally getting my butt in gear. I'm down to 145 right now and Im going for another 20 lbs. I know this is going to be a bad thing to hear and an awful thing to tell you and most people on here probably wont agree with me, but just maintain a semi fat life in college. drink, eat and be merry. lose it when you get out. Don't waste your college days away by going to the gym. You only live through this experience once and though I am unhappy that I gained weight in college, mostly everyone does, I am taking care of it now, while i'm older and have a way less exciting life. i now work at a bank and am an adult. blah! I wish I could go back and do it all over again. And i would take another 30 lbs to do it again. My advice to you would be, work out when you can, try to chill out on the snacking, fill your house with good food, and things that are good for you. If you can snack on healthy fruits and veggies while your skinny mini roommate shoves her face with cheetos thats half the battle. But dont turn down nights out, dont turn down dinners with friends. You will only be with these people for four years. dont miss out because you want to be thin. be thin when youre done and then when you go back for homecoming people will be wowed and that feels just as good. haha.
  • happy_angi09
    happy_angi09 Posts: 46 Member
    Try planning what your going to eat the day before. If things don't go as planned just make sure you log every single calorie you eat. Hate to say it but guilt is what keeps me on track. :smile:
  • smae1980
    smae1980 Posts: 794 Member
    I am in college full time, I have a family and i work and I make time to work out. While i agree with some of what BKsteve said, you should make as much time to work out as possible. Try taking a PE class to make it fit into your schedule. Keep fruit and veg inyour fridge to snack on instead of chips and candy. Don't completely sacrifice your social life, but bad habits formed are hard to break and constantly skipping workouts to do something else is a bad habit to start. Maybe if you asked, some of your friends would be willing to work out with you so you could be social and healthy at the same time.
  • twissc
    twissc Posts: 5
    I'm also in college full time with a part time job and I do make time to work out because it makes me feel better about myself. My definition of being happy is feeling good about my body. Going out and partying wouldn't be half as fun if I wasn't already comfortable in my own skin. I think before you even worry about how much you work out you need to think about how everything you put in your mouth is going to effect your body and how you feel about yourself. Eat to live don't live to eat. During a stressful day at work I am usually much more likely to give into snack temptations rather than the carefree weekend when I can go work out or take a walk in the morning before I do anything else and can sleep in until eleven if I want to. Next time you allow yourself to veg out just think to yourself "does my body really need this?" Food is supposed to sustain us, not be a remedy to a stressful day. Your cravings are more psychological than anything else. Just be aware of that.
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