A little encouragement needed

I know this is pushing it to far and maybe this is not the place but im having some trouble with self image. My boyfriend and I have been together for awhile and we have never had sex. I think it's because of my weight he says it's not. Sometimes I feel like giving up and saying forget the whole trying to get healthy thing. I get discouraged all the time. I look at people losing weight and instead of me being inspired i get depressed and say i wish i could do that. This is pushing the personal life a little but it really bothers me and i want to lose weight how do i stay encouraged with out giving up????


  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Hon, you can do that. Never-ever give up on yourself. This is YOUR life. Make the most of it.
  • Imperfect_Angel
    Imperfect_Angel Posts: 220 Member
    They say that what the mind believes, the body can achieve! Put your mind to it and start off slow making changes in your diet and getting active. Even a 20 minute walk around the neighbourhood will do for starters. Build up on your changes & join the gym or local running/walking/cycling clubs. It's brutal, I won't lie to you but eventually the results will show. Be the change you want to see and not get depressed.

    Also, don't worry, that's why you're here on MFP, we can give U all the love and support U need x
  • One thing that you HAVE to stop doing is comparing yourself to others. Your journey is not theirs and theirs is not yours. This is hard I am not going to lie this is very hard but it will be so worth it in the end. I know what keeps me going is the NSV. My jeans fitting looser or fitting in a top i couldn't get in before all these things keep me going. Knowing I am doing this for me anyone on this site can say stay strong it's worth and that's all true but until you start to believe it there isn't much anyone can say to keep you inspired. Good Luck!!!
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    What helped me the most was realizing that losing weight is a very long, slow process. But guess what? Time is going to pass anyway! Would you rather have a year pass and be 20 lbs less, or be the same weight? It's up to you. Take it literally one day at a time. Set your calorie goals in MFP (I have always had mine set to lose 1lb per week) and stay under that goal for ONE day. The next morning you will be so proud of yourself, and wonder if you can do two days in a row. You can! You will have days that you fall off track, but you just have to get right back on.

    As far as self image, I've definitely been there. What made me want to change my life was seeing a picture of myself pop up on facebook. I couldn't believe how much I let myself go. (That picture is in my profile, I'm in the red and white striped shirt). From that day on I decided I didn't want to be that unhealthy, self-conscious girl anymore. I wanted to feel good about myself and not stress out about a picture being taken of me. I have 4lbs to go until my goal, and I wish it was socially acceptable to run around naked! haha :) I know how much hard work I put into changing my body and my health and I feel amazing. You can too. TRUST ME! Add me if you need some support please!! I'm pulling for you!
  • islandgirldl76
    islandgirldl76 Posts: 47 Member
    Don't worry about pushing it. I will be honest and say that is one of the reasons I am loosing weight. With my ex he loved my curves, but I didn't feel comfortable in my body.

    In the bedroom I felt clumbsy, my thighs got in the way, it changes your anatomy down there (the ladies know what I am talking about) and it actually changes your hormones. All of that combined fed the feeling of not feeling REALLY sexy enough to want to put the effort into sex, it became a chore.

    I am single now but already feel better from dropping 10lbs. I am 162lbs now and 5'5" not very overweight but enough to really throw my mojo off.

    I suggest you log in every day tracking your calories and taking time to work out or go for walks or do active things with your hubby instead of going out to eat etc. You will feel supported by him (which in turn is sexy) and you will slowly drop the weight. You will feel when you start feeling more comfortable in your own skin, also don't forget to take pictures in 10-20lbs increments.

    I wish you luck hang in there.
  • Hi sweetie. I have struggled as well and have had my own doubts but at the end of the day I love me and you need to do the same you are a beautiful women. If sex is an issue with your partner discuss this with your partner if your partner isn't willing to discuss this then maybe they are someone wrong in your life! Keep trying to stay healthy! I know it is hard. Add me if you would like we can keep each others thoughts positive. I hope you have a wonderful day!! Always remember you are beautiful no matter what your size my friend!! Look at me I am no twig I weigh in at almost 400 pounds :( if you want to get healthy my friend you can I promise!! Don't give up you can do this!! I have lost 15 pounds since August not much but way better then what I was doing!! I believe in you!!!
  • krrs1980
    krrs1980 Posts: 90 Member
    I would have to say that you don't need to worry yourself with what your boyfriend thinks of you (I know that's easier said than done.) What matters is how you think of yourself. You can definitely do this. Be the person you want to be and then go from there. It can be intimidating seeing what everyone else is doing and the progess they're making. Just love yourself. Like someone said above, don't compare yourself to others. Do something great for yourself and start your own journey to getting healthy.
  • Do you think you have a goal that is healthy for you? The goal to "do what is healthy for me" is so important. You want to loose weight and that is a good start. Now tell yourself how to make the connections that will work for you.
    I really started to lose weight when I put my own good health at the top of my goals list. Then each right choice was one step closer to this goal. Each time I choose a light spread instead of margarine, or ate a fruit instead of chips, etc. It has taken many, many small steps to get there but, the relationship improved as I got closer to my goal weight. Now I have been married for 30 years, and below my original goal weight since last March. Every time I pick up a carrot I say thanks for taking care of yourself. Never give up on yourself. Good luck.
  • Thanks you guys i really need the encouragement. I can start by taking one day at a time. Thanks again for your kind words!