dizzyness standing up

been on mfp for 145 days (i think) now and since starting i have lost 30 pounds,( but had lost 28 previous to joining), i dont know if that seems quick or normal to some poeople but i recon it was pretty quick. Anyway since losing the weight i have been having blackouts (when i stand up the whole room goes black for up to 15 seconds but i dont actually pass out) and my legs tingle for the same length of time.. I have tried standing slowly but it doesnt work.
i had a full blood count to see if i was aneamic, but they have come back fine, and so im left with no explanation as to why this is happening, it is every time i stand from lying or sitting or bending over crouching down etc.
anyone else get this, is there an explanation??
am i needing to eat more, or more of a specific thing???


  • michelefrench
    michelefrench Posts: 814 Member
    interested if you get an answer...i've lost 30 since joining mfp and 50 before on my own and have sort of the same issue...i see little shiny glittery things floating around and get dizzy if i go from down to up to quickly....
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Anyone reading this who hasn't seen a doctor about it, please go!

    That said, this happens to me when my net caloric deficit is too high. Not total, net. So if I eat 1200 calories and burn 200 at the gym and don't eat those 200 back there is a chance I'll get lightheaded. If I do that two or three days in a row I will get lightheaded not to mention fatigued and cranky.

    It has caused me to reevaluate my final goal upward to 129 and then let myself lose the rest as slowly as necessary while I eat those calories back. I can do this for a bit longer to get 10 more pounds or so off (I have a bad back and all my excess weight is right on that part of my spine) but after that I'm going to have to take a break.

    And all of you trying to eat 1200, with or without exercise, who go to work, or take care of kids, or go out with friends regularly or a combination of those: You aren't eating enough! 1200 is only for the purely sedentary, which should mean unemployed, no small children, no activity at all outside of exercise noted down in your diary. You are even supposed to log grocery shopping and cooking!
  • kaji13
    kaji13 Posts: 172 Member
    Honestly I think you may not be eating enough. I took a look at your last month or so in your diary, and there are a lot of days where either you are eating around only 1000 calories, or your deficit is 500-1000 calories. This is very not healthy and very well could be what is causing your black outs
  • kellehbeans
    kellehbeans Posts: 838 Member
    It's just low blood pressure - which is nothing to worry about - unless you start passing out! My doctors check my blood pressure all the time and then ask me if I get this - which I do. So do not panic!
  • dhakiyya
    dhakiyya Posts: 481 Member
    I get this, it's postural hypotension. When you stand up, your blood pressure falls. There's a mechanism to prevent it from dropping too much, and ensuring that enough blood gets to the brain, however if you have postural hypotension, that mechanism doesn't work so well and so it takes longer for your blood pressure to equalise.

    The advice I've had is simply to stand up more slowly so you give your body longer to adjust to the change in posture.

    Good nutrition and regular exercise also helps.
  • mrshumphreyjr
    Have you had your blood pressure checked? if you have low blood pressure, that would explain the symptoms. I keeled over years ago (not knowing) then on checking out with my doctor was told not to stand up too quickly otherwise it would happen again. Good thing is though if it is low blood pressure (and with the weight loss) you are less likely to get related illnesses.
  • ♥ChUbByCoyLe♥
    ♥ChUbByCoyLe♥ Posts: 267 Member
    I get this daily. I suffer from low blood pressure and i am pretty sure that's why i feel so dizzy and sick.

    Tricks to overcome it....get up slowly, especially when getting up in the morning or sitting down for a long time. I also find that drinking lots of fluid helps.

    Hope this helps x
  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,732 Member
    EAT! it does wonders!
  • kmbhoya2000
    kmbhoya2000 Posts: 174 Member
    As stated, it's low blood pressure... it could be that you're not eating enough. But, if it continues &/or gets worse, you should talk with your doctor to look into causes. I have a lot of health issues, and am on a lot of medicines & ended up with adrenal insufficiency which can be life threatening, and one of the symptoms is low blood pressure; but this is usually caused due to being on prednisone for too long & causing issues with your adrenal glands.

    Anyway, if it continues get it checked out, but try increasing your calorie intake
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    I looked at your diary and would suggest you eat more. I have low blood pressure so often have that dizziness anyway if I get
    up too quickly, but when I was working out alot and not eating enough, it was alot worse. You need fuel to function well.
  • rosalee87
    rosalee87 Posts: 221 Member
    I've had the same issue since losing weight and I've gone to my doctor and everything checks out fine.

    Only difference is before I lost weight my blood pressure was always normal and now it's always low readings so I'm guessing it's related but my doctor has not mentioned anything. I don't actually ever pass out either.
  • Very_Kerri
    Very_Kerri Posts: 44 Member
    Best advice is to check with your doctor, but how much water are you drinking? I know that I am limiting the amount of sodium I consume and also drinking a lot of water which can cause that reaction. Could also be a blood pressure thing. But Still I recommend a chat with your doc.
  • dough21
    dough21 Posts: 216 Member
    I get this from time to time but it's more like 5 seconds than 15. It also seems to originate from the left side of my brain. I stand up and for about 5 seconds things start to black out and I feel like I'm gonna fall and then soon after that things are back to normal.
    I've been doing a better job of staying hydrated with water during exercise and this seems to have helped me.
  • Skinnymunkii
    Skinnymunkii Posts: 191 Member
    Low blood pressure sounds like the culprit, especially if you are on a "water pill" like hydrochlorathiazide, or any kind of blood pressure meds. When you lose, your blood pressure usually drops, and if it's low to begin with or is being artificially lowered by medication, it is quite common to get postural hypotension.
  • janet0513
    janet0513 Posts: 564 Member
    You should always check things out with your doctor to make sure it isn't serious. Orthostatic hypotension can be caused by several things. Dehydration is one, so make sure you are getting enough water and food. Other things to consider is if you are on any medications that may need to be adjusted with the weight loss.
  • cole_ashleyy
    cole_ashleyy Posts: 104 Member
    I didn't get through all the replies but it could be a number of things. I have this as well and I have it for several reasons.

    Low blood pressure (possibly mixed with a high heart rate)
    Vagus nerve (you may not be getting enough sodium)
    Other heart issues
    Not eating enough, not getting all your nutrients, electrolyte imbalance
    Anemia (possibly from an iron deficiency)

    And those are just a few. But if this is happening you should definitely see a doctor about it.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    been on mfp for 145 days (i think) now and since starting i have lost 30 pounds,( but had lost 28 previous to joining), i dont know if that seems quick or normal to some poeople but i recon it was pretty quick. Anyway since losing the weight i have been having blackouts (when i stand up the whole room goes black for up to 15 seconds but i dont actually pass out) and my legs tingle for the same length of time.. I have tried standing slowly but it doesnt work.
    i had a full blood count to see if i was aneamic, but they have come back fine, and so im left with no explanation as to why this is happening, it is every time i stand from lying or sitting or bending over crouching down etc.
    anyone else get this, is there an explanation??
    am i needing to eat more, or more of a specific thing???

    I had this happen too! It turned out that it was low blood pressure. My doctor told me to be a bit more liberal with my salt (I had been trying to stay at 1500mg a day). After I went back to ignoring my sodium, my blood pressure went back to normal and I didn't feel dizzy anymore.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Just check your diary, you need to EAT MORE!!!!!!!!
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    been on mfp for 145 days (i think) now and since starting i have lost 30 pounds,( but had lost 28 previous to joining), i dont know if that seems quick or normal to some poeople but i recon it was pretty quick. Anyway since losing the weight i have been having blackouts (when i stand up the whole room goes black for up to 15 seconds but i dont actually pass out) and my legs tingle for the same length of time.. I have tried standing slowly but it doesnt work.
    i had a full blood count to see if i was aneamic, but they have come back fine, and so im left with no explanation as to why this is happening, it is every time i stand from lying or sitting or bending over crouching down etc.
    anyone else get this, is there an explanation??
    am i needing to eat more, or more of a specific thing???

    Eat a proper diet with the right amount of mascros, micros and overall calories instead of starving your body. Start eating real foods from ALL the food groups instead of just dairy, produce and junk food, weight management doesn't mean license to ignore the healthy eating guidelines.
  • domgirl85
    domgirl85 Posts: 295 Member
    You checked to see if you were anemic? Did they also check your blood sugar levels? I have low blood sugar and what you're describing happens to me when I don't eat enough/for a longtime. For me, say I don't eat until 3pm. That's fine if it's not hot outside or if I'm not moving much BUT say it's the middle of the summer and I'm out running errands. I'd get dizzy (standing or not) and sometimes things go dark or hazy.

    So for you, IF you do have low blood sugar, it would make sense that you're probably fine until you go work out because your body is exerting energy it doesn't really have.

    Did you ask them only to see if you were anemic? You should just say what the problem is and not offer solutions. They may have only checked for that one thing.

    Like I said, I have low blood sugar but I'm not hypoglycemic (i think that's the right one), so I can't take medication...I'm happy about that. I just did a lot of research and took the doctor's tips to insure I'm getting the right foods to keep my blood sugar high enough (but not too high) as well as my iron levels since I do have two iron deficiencies.