I need help!

Im sure Im not the only person on MFP who needs a serious dose of motivation and support, but I am hoping that I can find it here. My weight is a definite yo yo, with me losing and gaining it just as quickly. The past 7 months have been absolutely horrendous (I lost both my parents in 2012) and my stress level is through the roof. Because of this stress, I am not eating properly. Either I eat very little or eat things I shouldnt be eating. I have very little energy to exercise, and being winter, am not as inclined to go for a run as I could be (Ottawa winters are very cold!!!!) I know this sounds like Im whining, but I guess Im really looking for someone to encourage me and reinforce me when Im doing well. Also, a proverbial kick in the pants would be appreciated when Im not doing so well. I need to commit to filling out my food diary here and stay in touch with friends who want to support me. Anyone game to take me on?


  • moebius13
    You've taken the first steps--you're on here, and you admit you need help. Friends and family members are great for motivation, but sometimes we need more than that. Like you, I've watched my weight jump up and down, anywhere between 250-350 lbs over the last several years. Finally, I decided NO MORE EXCUSES. If you can afford it, join a gym, and then GO GO GO. Don't think of it as an expense, but an investment in your vehicle. Just like you spend money on your car to take you from place to place, you need to invest in your body to take you from day to day. And like a car that is well-maintained, a body that is well maintained will run better, last longer, and cost less in the long run! read the blogs and message boards--especially the success stories. Almost every story begins with, "I never thought I could really do this!" Sound familiar? I know that's how I feel some days. :) But together, with the help of family, friends, and new friends here, you'll be amazed at what you can accomplish! And then we both will have a thread that starts with, "I never thought I would do this!"